The Guardians

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Author Note:

This chapter is beta'd by FHEtsuko.

Ahh, finally an update. My immune system wanted to remind me how weak it is, so yeah... but don't worry, I already recovered and in high spirit to write the next chapter! Thank you so much for your patience.

Warning: possible act of violence, blood, OOC, teary and embarrassing moments (maybe) and need lots of imagination.

Additional Note: I will refer Boboiboy as Original when he was referred by the elementals, and as Boboiboy when he was referred by his friends and in the narration.

Disclaimer: Boboiboy and all it's characters are belong to Animonsta Studios.


Boboiboy entered the stone box, and suddenly the hole covered with the earth wall. The darkness inside then was illuminated by dim light of the crystals embedded in the wall inside the box. A small platform made of stone was located at the middle of the box. Boboiboy touched one of the crystals in amazement. The same computerised voice startled him as it spoke.

"Welcome, elemental user. Please put your hands on the platform to confirm your elemental power."

Boboiboy put his hands, palm opened, on the small platform.

"Scan completed. Elemental powers detected, Earth, Lightning, Wind, Fire, Water, Leaf and Light."

Boboiboy quickly pulled his hands back as the platform suddenly splits into two, and a small black sphere ball was emerged. Boboiboy inspected the sphere ball and realized that it has the same shaped as Ochobot. "A power sphere?!"

Just as Boboiboy want to touch the sphere, several voices were heard, echoed in the stone box.

'Interesting...A young elemental user.' A voice echoed, with an air of authoritative.

'Not just any elemental user, he’s the wielder of all seven elemental powers.' Another voice echoed, this one sounds observant.

'Judging by the commotion outside, he must be a virtuous fellow.' Another voice, this one sounds collected.

Boboiboy looked around but he can't find anyone or devices that emitted the voices. "Who's there?!"

'My, my...what a brave little one. A fine attribute to wield the elemental powers.' Another voice, this time sounds playful.

'Don't tease the boy, it’s not easy to wield all seven elemental powers at once.' A kind voice echoed.

'He looks he’s about to fall over.' A timid voice echoed.

'He looks weak for a wielder of all seven elemental powers.' A gruff voice echoed.

Boboiboy looked around as he spoke, "Are you...the one called Nadhogg?"

'Nad- what?!' The gruff voice exclaimed in confusion.

'Nadhogg? Oh, you mean that.' The observant voice.

Boboiboy Elemental Problem [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now