Chapter 24-Damos Humanity

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I basically ran off. It'd been years since I've been to the Fall Festival, and knowing these guys, I'd need to get a map. Someone was bound to get lost. Then I got lost. I turned around from the Map Cart and poof! They were all gone. Must've chased after Ava, she goes nuts while we're here. Sometimes, it's scary.

I ran around by the entrance for a bit, seeing if I could find any of them. The crowd wasn't that heavy, but it was almost impossible to find anyone of them. Luckily Ava had already given me tickets, so me doing stuff while I searched for them would help. At least I knew I could something while I was here today, instead of just looking for them.

"Well, well, well," I heard a voice say. I jump and turn on my heels seeing-Oh, my word no. He stands right over me as I stand by the Bobbing For Apples Booth. His effortless smirk is a mess and his bright pink eyes pour right into my camouflaged ones. "Aren't you a beauty? Remind me of a girl I knew once. I met her right here believe it or not." I nodded, scanning the crowd around him for anyone to help. Anyone. "The name's Dominick. And you would be?" His smirk said he already knew who I was, and it was no mistake made. He had a plan, just for this. I didn't answer. Not right away. "C'mon. Aren't you going to speak... Tristian?" My eyes went wide as an immediate reaction raced through my mind. KICK THEM WHERE THE SUN DON'T SHINE AND RUN! Good thing I have a long stride! Luckily, I lost him.

Hopefully for the whole day.

Finally, I found someone. Three to be exact. Asch, Noi, and Pierce. They were struggling to do the basketball game. I laughed as I walked over to them and handed the ticket guy one ticket.

"Careful Tris," Noi warned, "This game is so hard!" He whined like a child.

"Don't worry," I said, "I got this!" And swish! Swish! Swish!

"Good try little lady!" The ticket guy said and handed me a small husky plush.

"How did you-" Asch asked. I've never seen him this amazed before.

"I used to play basketball as a kid," I replied, "This used to be one of my favorite games."

"I see," Pierce said as we moved along to some other games, "Where were you?" I thought for a moment and took a breath.

"I went to go get maps," I said, "So no one would get lost." Not today. Not now. So much has happened... They don't need to worry about Dominick. I will worry about Dominick.

"I'm sorry," Asch told me, "About what I said. I know that is why you were avoiding us, and I apologize." I smiled and nodded.

"Thanks," I said, "Though truth be told, I should be sorry. I know what death at his hands is like with my own family, and was inconsiderate about it with yours." He nodded. "Forgive and forget?" I held out my hand to him and he smiled back at me.

"Forgive and forget," Asch agreed while shaking my hand, "Uh... what's going on?" I looked up. Rhys was doing the bottle ring game, and Leif was watching.

"Focusing," Rhys said.

"Did you guys get anything?" Leif asked.

"We ran out of tickets!" Pierce yelled.

"Ugh..." Noi whined, "The game we played was hard." I laughed, knowing my eyes lit up when I replied, "Speak for yourself. I got a husky!"

"What about you?" Asch asked after he scoffed at me.

"Everyone was scared of me," Leif replied, "So I haven't gotten to play anything yet." Then, ding!

"AND WE HAVE A WINNER!" The ticket guy said as he handed Rhys a pink little poodle.

"Hand it over Rhys!" Leif demanded.

"Heh, nice try," Rhys said smugly, "But I'll be the one presenting it to Princess-" Then we all looked about. Ava was nowhere in sight. Panic began to flood through me as I threw my head this way and that. Did he get to her???

"W-Where did she go?" Asch asked in the most scared tone I've ever heard.

"I wasn't watching!" Noi shouted.

"Princess Ava!" Pierce shouted.

"I've got a bad feeling about this," Leif said.

"Me too," I added in, "We need to find her now! Here! All of you guys take a map, we'll meet up here if we can't find her. And no matter what you do-DON'T leave the festival, and DON'T talk to anyone." I handed a map to everyone as the panic finally settled in fully. It was like an empty lump in my gut.

"Right!" Asch said and we all split up, looking for her.

We looked for over an hour and no one had any sign of her!

"I looked all nearby!" Rhys said.

"Why would she leave us?" Noi asked like his heart was being shattered.

"S-She wouldn't leave us alone," Asch pointed out, "Out and around everyone. Would she?"

"She must be really lost?" Leif said. They were all so... concerned. Maybe... they really didn't want to leave... maybe, they finally found they fit in here.

"How could we have let this happen?" Rhys asked around. Then, just at that, Ava came walking over. A calm smile on her face.

"Oh hey, how are you guys doing?" Ava asked, cluelessly.

"Why did you leave us?" Asch asked.

"Huh?" She began before the gears clicked, "Oh. I needed to help Mr. Dracula for a moment. Sorry about that I-"

"What if something happened to you?" Noi said. Then Leif... he was... crying?

"We wouldn't have been there," Leif said. Tears lacing his eyes. I guess even Damos have some humanity in them.

"Please don't go off like that," Pierce said.

"Wh-What are you guys-" Ava started.

"We were just scar-Um..." Rhys cleared his throat. Even tears were in his eyes. They... really do care about Ava... don't they. "Afraid, you might've gotten lost."

"I'm fine," Ava reassured them. Then Asch, tears in his eyes. In everyone's now. Even mine.

"Please," Asch begged, "Just don't leave us alone again. Okay?" Alone... Was that what Damos was to them? Did they want to stay here, because... they weren't alone anymore?

"I'm sorry," Ava apologized, "I should've said something. I'll make sure you guys know next time." Then, they all were smiling. I know they all care about Ava and everything, but... after this, I have to wonder... Do they care about me as they do her? "So, anything cool happen?"

"Oh right," Rhys began with a smile, "Princess Ava. Here." And he hands her the poodle. It was cute! Ava's face was so red! It was so adorable to watch this!

"Thank you Rhys," Ava smiled.

"We tried to win some too," Asch said.

"But we ran out of tickets!" Noi complained.

"Then I kicked their butts!" I cheered and held up my husky plush.

"Does this mean you're going to marry Rhys?" Pierce asked.

"Ugh!" Ava complained, "The marriage thing again? Look how about we get more tickets, and then I'll decide what to do about that later. Okay?"

"YES!" Asch screamed.

"REDEMPTION!" Leif followed and I couldn't help but break into a smile.

"Heh," Rhys said, "I'll still win."

"Hey!" Ava said, "We're gonna play this time too."

"Yeah," I commented, "See if you guys can beat us!" I pumped my fist in the air with a smile. No matter how they care about me. I know I can have fun here. So long as their around. I looked at everyone smiling. Even Ava. So long as I can help them smile.

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