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It must've been in the middle night when you woke up with a gasp. It hit you like a ton of bricks. Tomorrow was the first day of Seiya High School. And also the first day of trying to figure out how to survive another year. Because for You and only You life was nothing but a maze full of death traps. Well maybe not only for You but it sure felt like it.

You sat up running your hand through your hair panting a bit. The sweat pouring down your face. God when it had all started? Maybe it had been when you had met your best friend. Violet McArthur.

Ah Violet. You both met in Kindergarten. You remember seeing her dropped off by her mother and watching her burst into tears. You remember toddling off to her and exclaiming ,"Hi I'm Y/N! Let's play!" Which caused her to just cry more. Not exactly the best first memory. But in some strange twist the two of you started becoming friends. And as you both grow older you started noticing the bizzareness that came to being Violets friend.

Violet had always been a very pretty girl. With a small stature, thin body, pink hair and big eyes. She pretty much looked like a small doe who always needed protecting. Her innocent looks and her innocent sweet personality attracted many. That was where the problem lay.

As you both headed into elementary school every single boy was interested in her, and some of them were interests that developed into obsession. Oh you tried your best. You were always there for Violet.. But when you started getting hurt it just felt unjust. The pranks , the multiple injuries. It was insane. Not to mention the hate you got. From girls you didn't really get it so much as they were typically very jealous of Violet. But you did have to protect Violet against said girls. Now why didn't you just stop being friends with Violet ? Well you learned that the hard way. There is no not being friends with Violet.

In your first year of Junior high you told Violet you wanted to stop being friends. This caused her to cry and caused her posse of crazy fan boys to push you in front of a car. And the threats .. "How dare you make Violet cry you Bitch. Just go die".

You spent over a month in the hospital and Violet never stopped visiting you. With the yandere fan boys in tow. She really was truly clueless. Perhaps as most female protagonists tend to be. But it made you shake in that hospital bed as you realized that friend or not you were going to eventually get killed.

The summer before you entered high school you tried to find a different school. But Violet insisted on a fresh start with you. And when you tried to say no you were pushed down the stairs. Again.

The multiple broken bones you had gotten over the years had done a number on your body. And out of exhaustion and almost defeat you just gave in. You really didn't have a choice.

And now here you were. Shivering in bed and rocking back and forth. Was your sanity going to last? You had tried so many times to talk to Violet or anyone about this. Violet just remained clueless and nobody else really believed. "You're just such a clumsy person Y/N."

Clumsy. Sure. Now it was going to be a new year with new boys and maybe your eventual death.

"I cannot die. How many times have I been close? I need to figure something out. I've tried running away so many times. All that did was cause Violet to get sad and her admirers to try to hurt me." You mumble as you continued to rock back and forth.

You needed to figure something out. Or else this year was going to be your last. And now at 16 such an ominous age to die .. Well let's say you had started to go a little mad.

You laid back down whimpering a bit. It was quiet in your room and the ticking of the clock just felt more like a curse beckoning to you. Tomorrow was the start of everything. Would you be able to survive anymore?

The Other Girl  (Yandere Males)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon