Chapter 13

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About an hour later, the taxi pulls up to an old weary looking house.

The neighborhood itself had large fancy houses, the house you were going to stay at seemed completely run down down, well compared to the others.

You give some money to the taxi driver then get out.

Opening the gate leading to the house, you walk up a short set of creaky stairs.

Then inserting the key Damon had given you.

With a groan, the door opened and you walked in.

Looking around you saw that everything seemed sort of dusty but still relatively clean.

There was still a couch and the electricity still worked.

The living room had an old tv.

As you wandered up stairs, you walked into a large bedroom. A bed covered in white tarp, and an old dresser.

You sat your bag down then sat on the bed.

Your mind felt numb.

In the past whenever you were really scared, you would just close your eyes, and think of a place you really wanted to be at.

Right now, you imagined yourself on a beach.

The waves, the warm sand, just being able to relax, to be free.

You removed the white tarp and saw the bed had clean sheets.

Slightly dusty, but you still lay in them.

Then shut your eyes.

Just thinking of the beach, of your mom, of anything but your situation.

You hadn't realized you fell asleep when you woke up to the sound of knocking.

Sitting up, you looked over to the window, the sun was setting.

You got up cautiously as the knocking continued.

Your heart hammering fast, you tiptoed to the edge of the stairs and waited.

After about a minute the knocking ceased to a stop.

Whoever it was had left.

You breathed a sigh of relief.

You had made sure to lock the front door, just in case, but still you never knew who it might be.

You got up and when to the bedroom.

Pulling out your phone, you knew what you had to do.

You went downstairs and searched around.

Managing to find a hammer, you set your phone on the ground and smashed it.

You really should've done this earlier but you had been so focused on just leaving.

No more contact with anyone.

You still needed food and water though.

Suddenly, there was more knocking, except now it was coming from the window in the living room.

You gasp and sink to the floor.

You held on to that hammer tightly.

You heard a voice yell out, "Hey Damon! Come out already man!"

Frowning you got up and walked to the front door.

Hammer still in hand you peered out the keyhole.

A grey haired guy stood, he looked really annoyed.

It wasn't anyone you knew.

You opened the door.

But not fully and peered out.

"Finally! Where is my-"

The boy froze seeing your face.

Looking at him closer he looked almost like a delinquent.

Green vibrant eyes, and a piercing on his lower lip.

"Who are you?"

You cleared your throat and opened the door wider.

"Uh Hi. I'm Damon's cousin.. Amy. Just staying here temporarily. Damon isn't here right now". You say trying to sound normal as possible.

The guy looks at you strangely then sighs.

"Fuck. Bastard owes me money. Thought he came back here again to hide.. I'm Michael. Damon's ex boyfriend". He says annoyed.

Ex boyfriend??

He see your look of surprise.

"What? You never knew? Thought you two are cousins?" He Asked suspiciously tapping his foot.

"Yeah we are.. but Damon didn't tell me he was gay".

He snorts and rolls his eyes.

"Figures. He was a shit lover anyways. Sucked in bed".

You cough and he points down the road.

"I'm staying in my vacation home 3 doors down. If you want to hang let me know. I'm stuck here for 2 weeks". He says sounding glum now.

"Uhm sure. Nice to meet you".

He nods at your words and walks off.

You close the door.

What was that?

As you wandered back upstairs, "Michael" stood staring outside the gate staring at the house.

He rubbed his head and sighed.

Then pulls out a phone and calls someone.

"Yeah I met her. She doesn't know".

He groans at the other persons response.

"Whatever. Yeah I know. I won't screw this up".

He then walks away mumbling into the phone.

It was now dark out.

A car pulls up into the street.

It watches the house carefully.

You on the other hand had shut all the window and curtains.

You had prepared your supplies and changed your clothes.

Then turning off the lights, you lay in the dark, awake and alert.

And that's how you stayed all night.

Listening in for any sound and trying not to cry.

By 2am the sound of rain came from outside.

The sound of thunder spreading through the empty house.

You shiver and hide under the covers shaking.

The rain hit the window hard as you shake.

You weren't shaking because of the thunder, you were shaking out of total fear.

Your mother was most likely dead.

Normal children would've cried and screamed over their parents death.

But not you, you were almost shocked at yourself.

All you could think was ," I'm next. I'm next and they're going to do terrible things to me".

You lay under those covers and just listened to the rain.

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