Leah- 10

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As the years passed, Leah watched her daughter in fear.

She had now a close female friend.

Y/N L/N.

But the poor little thing seemed terrified and wouldn't make eye contact with most people.

Not to mention, the horde of little boys that trailed everywhere after Violet.

One night, she brought up the topic of therapy with her husband, he was not pleased to say the least.

"There's nothing wrong with her. She's a beautiful smart girl, I really can't believe you would doubt your own daughter". He snapped and left the bed in disgust.

Leah curled up that night tears in her eyes.

Was she really a bad mother?

Perhaps, her husband was right, perhaps she was just horrible.

The next day, she took Violet out to the mall, buying her whatever she wanted.

She felt so bad

Violet seemed bored with her although and tried many times to wander away from her.

When she tried to explain Violet that it was unsafe to separate frim her mother at a mall, well things did not go so well.

"Shut up. You don't get to order me around. You're nothing more than just a vessel I was in. You owe me you bitch". Violet spat at her.

Seeing her Mothers shocked face she smiled with an angelic smile.

"Dad won't believe you. Nobody will. You're just a useless whore". She sang skipping ahead with a giggle.

When they came home, Leah stayed in the car, she felt like sobbing but she also knew that Violet was right.

Violet was exactly like she had been as a child.

Beautiful and manipulative, she was also charismatic enough to make anyone do what she said.

The only difference was Violet was evil.

When she dragged herself into the house, River was hugging his daughter and swinging her around.

"Did my princess have a fun day?" He cooed

Violet giggled replied with a ,"Yes daddy!"

But when her father turned around she made a disgusted look.

She looked into her mothers eyes and sneered.

Quickly changing her expression, when her father looked at her.

She was a very devious child.

The next day, two strange little boys came to the house, one had heterochromia eyes even.

They were handsome boys, and they stood in the foyer looking around in boredom.

"Hi I'm Kira Grimes. This is Arlo. Can we see Violet please?" Said the different colored eye boy politely.

Leah felt nervous.

Something seemed very odd with this child too.

He had an almost dark but wild look in his pretty eyes.

As she walked them to Violets room, the younger boy tugged on her dress.

Looking at him in surprise he giggled.

"You're pretty. I bet you would look prettier in a bag".

Leah froze as she stopped in front of Violets door.

Her daughter quickly escorted the two boys in her room and slammed the door in Leah's face.

What did that even mean?

Leah had hoped that things would get better.

She prayed that maybe her daughter would maybe grow up to be a wonderful person.

But people don't change. Even as children, they just sometimes do not.

Leah realized this a few months later as she stood in front of her husbands casket.

He had been in a car crash.

Hit a little girl it was said.

He died from complications in the hospital.

Leah cried and cried, knowing just somehow this was Violets fault.

That day after her husbands funeral, she did not look at her daughter once, and when the funeral was done she drove off to the hospital.

She secretly paid for the little girls hospital bill and looked at her sleeping form.

She wasn't even surprised by this point, to see that it was poor little Y/N.

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