10 | scarred insecurities

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Chapter Ten


Charity balls are my least favourite thing. Apart from the fact that these events are filled with rich snobs who act as if the world revolves around them, I hate socializing.

Something tells me there is another reason why I particularly don't want to go to this one.

Oh, who am I kidding?

Gabriela Sterling

I grit my teeth at her name. In the span of two hours, the woman couldn't stop flirting with Zach. The winks and seductive smiles were anything but subtle. But that isn't what riled me up.

Zach was flirting back.

That time when she purposefully dropped the file and bent down to pick it up. And Zach, he was enjoying the show she put up, licking his lips and looking at her darkly.

Sighing, I look at the expensive dress on my bed. The red satin gown was beautiful, way beautiful. With a v neck that wasn't much deep, but deep enough to make it look sexy, it had a slit in the right side.

I turn around to make sure I locked the bedroom door. After the two hours of our business meeting, we had a few hours to rest before going to the charity ball.

I get rid of the towel, I had just taken shower. I then put on the red satin gown. I groan when I see that the scars on my thigh are visible, thanks to the dress Zach. It had a slit. But the scars aren't that dark, I don't think anyone will take notice.

Biting my lips, I walk to the full-length mirror and my eyes almost come out of their sockets.

Shit, shit, shit.

How had I not realize this before? The gown is backless and the ugly brown scar running down my back is clearly visible.

No, I shake my head. I can't wear this. Not thinking it through, I rush outside the room and knock Zach's door repeatedly.

He opens after a while and gives me a hard look.

"What?" he barks out. I flinch at his tone. His eyes run over my panicked face. He takes a few steps back and makes me get inside his room.

Only when he closes the door, I realize he is shirtless. I try not to look at his chiselled abs and well-defined stomach, I really do. However, such an artwork can't be ignored. Shouldn't be, actually.

His cold eyes make me jerk back to reality.

Zach looks at me in irritation and I don't understand how quickly he changed. A day ago, he wasn't like this. The dull ache in my heart worsens.

I turn around and let Zach see my half-naked back, scars and all. He'll be even more disgusted now, great. I pull my wet hair to the side.

I hear him sighing. He walks in front of me and faces me.

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