Chapter 5

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The moment I clocked in to work, I headed to the 31st floor to check-in with my supervisor, Dan. However, Dan said that Jason needed me again today. 

Another day being sent to the 55th floor. This was my third day straight of helping Jason with his assistant duties. While I had, in fact, signed the job contract of all other duties as assigned, it was a bit hard to believe that there was no one else at the company who could at least alternate with me. Being his personal slave every day was draining.

I was a random person from HR in a building of hundreds, if not thousands, of people. How had I gotten roped into this again?

Thank God I hadn't accepted the offer of being his assistant. It had only been a few days of being his temporary assistant, and I was already exhausted. My days had mostly consisted of getting him coffee, delivering inter-office mail all throughout the building, making phone calls, running his errands, and doing all of the 'grunt work' that he clearly didn't feel like doing.

Hopefully they would find someone to fill the position next week. I was excited to go back to doing my work in the department that had actually hired me: human resources.

When I got upstairs to Jason's floor, he was standing right in front of the elevator door. "Good, you're here. We have a meeting to go to, and I need you to take notes."

My patience was already starting to wear thin, and I'd just gotten there. "Where's the meeting?"

He pressed the 'elevator down' button, both of us stepping in when it opened. "It's about an hour away. You can just hop in my car."

"Why am I doing this?" I asked, not able to hide the annoyance in my tone. Now I had to sit through a long meeting, paying close attention and taking notes?

Maybe I wasn't being the most pro-active, team-player employee. To be honest, my behavior was a bit unprofessional, but it was hard to stop myself. I was just excited to go back to my own desk, do my own work, and do the job that I was actually hired to do instead of following Jason around like a puppy all day.

He gave me a pointed look. "Because I said so."

My heart sank. Well, it looks like someone was in a bad mood today. He looked really tired, like he hadn't gotten any sleep in a while. There had to be something else going on with him to explain his sour mood. 

I didn't say anything in response.

The seats in his sleek, black Mercedes Benz were really comfortable. Instantly, I started to recline my seat.

"You can sleep if you want. It's going to be a bit of a drive," Jason said.

I grinned. "You don't have to tell me twice."

After taking off my jacket to use as a makeshift blanket, I dozed off almost instantly.


"Anna, wake up."

The voice was soft and sweet, and it took me a second to remember where I was. I was with Jason and that sweet voice was his; he was gently shaking me.

When I opened my eyes, he was grinning at me. The faint smell of his cologne hit my nostrils as he leaned over me. I hated to admit it, but he smelled really good.

"I'm glad you got to nap now since I'll be napping during this meeting. Take good notes."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine."

As expected, the meeting was boring. They had coffee, tea, bagels, and donuts, which was nice. I didn't understand half the stuff that was being talked about, since I was still so new to the company. Most of my morning was spent mindlessly transcribing what they were saying on my laptop.

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