Chapter 46

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Chapter Forty Six

Trace's POV

"Get off of Dylan's bed! You're going to break it." I shout at Lucas and Mason for the tenth time tonight.

They've been playing a racing game on Dylan's Xbox for the past thirty minutes while sitting on his racecar bed because it 'adds to the mood'. They're both dumbasses though and don't know how to behave so the bed keeps creaking.

It has a weight limit of one hundred pounds and I know Lucas alone almost doubles that weight.

My body gets a familiar feeling creeping down it and I suddenly know exactly how to get them off of Dylan's bed.

I leisurely walk over to stand beside Mason. Neither of them pay me any attention as I subtly place my ass next to their faces.

I let out a loud fart and they both jump up from the bed.

"Gross, dude!" Mason whines and walks to the other side of the room while Lucas plugs his nose.

I pop my knuckles and give them a proud grin.

The bedroom door opens and Josephine and Erica walk inside.

"What's that smell?"

Emma was able to arrange this last minute get together and surprisingly enough none of us already had plans for New Years.

We're still waiting for most people to get here but the fireworks don't start for another two hours so we've got plenty of time.

My doorbell rings and without even opening the front door I know who it is: Emma. Sweet, polite Emma. The only one of our group who actually uses doorbells or knocks before entering.

A smile forms on my face at the thought of her waiting outside and I quickly jog down the stairs to let her in.

As soon as I open the door I'm greeted with her beautiful smile.

"It's freezing out here!" she states and I open the door wider for her to come inside.

She strips off her thick coat and hangs it on the back of the door before looking around the room confused, "Where is everyone?"

She's so beautiful. The way her hair falls down her back so perfectly and her gorgeous eyes that seem to hold so much desire.

"It's just us. I cancelled the plans and forgot to tell you; nobody else is here which means we have the entire house to ourselves." I walk towards her teasingly and she pushes me off.

A smile plays on her lips, "I saw the cars in the driveway Mr. Smooth Moves."

I chuckle at her nickname.

"Everyone is upstairs playing in Dylan's room. Dylan and Olivia are upstairs watching a movie in my room."

Dylan tried to play the xbox but Mason and Lucas wouldn't quit hogging it. I let them go into my room and watch whatever movie they wanted as long as it's appropriate.

The two of us make our way upstairs. Even though she's never been in Dylan's room before she was able to listen to the sounds of the boys shouting and find it easily.

"Emma!" Josephine grins once she sees her friend and runs up to hug her. None of the guys ever get this excited when they see me.

I have fake friends.

"You're lucky you weren't in here a few minutes ago when Trace stunk up the entire room with his ass eruption." Mason jokes as he plays the game.

I can feel my face heat up and I throw a pair of socks at him to make him stop talking. Emma turns around and looks at me innocently.

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