Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven

Erica, Josephine and I are together. Mason and Trace are together, and, of course, Adalyn and Lucas are together.

Since I've only been in here once I decide to let Erica and Josephine take lead on where we should try first. Erica takes us to the 'home decor' section.

The entire store is piled with boxes of giant stuff like fans, car supplies, furniture and even toys. But our first choice is house decorations. Makes sense considering Erica picked out our first stop.

"Isn't this the cutest thing!" She exclaims holding up a stuffed pig.

"That's adorable. If this was a robbery and not just a break in, that'd be in the steal pile." I admit.

It's a giant pink pig with a nose that oinks if you squeeze it. I consider coming back tomorrow and buying it for a split second before my brain kicks itself for being so easily distracted.

"We need to stay focused," I shake my head to clear my thoughts, "Do either of you see anywhere you could fit comfortably for however long we'll need to?"

Josephine shrugs as she looks at her phone. A giant smile is evident as she texts someone furiously.

Erica looks at me and smiles politely on her friends behalf.

"Josephine?" she asks, "Talking to Marcus again?"

She says nothing but smiles wider indicating she is.

"Is Marcus your boyfriend?" I ask and her smiles fades.

"No," she shoves her phone into her pocket and begins explaining herself, "not yet anyways. We've been texting for about a week. He keeps trying to make plans for us to hangout."

If she likes him then why haven't they hung out?

"But you don't want that?"

She sighs, "It's not that I don't want that. I like him a lot but Ethan keeps warning me about him. I'm not sure if his warnings are a hundred percent accurate though. I feel like as my best friend he's just looking out for me and trying to protect me from all guys but then again, as my best friend, I trust what he says. It makes me a bit weary of Marcus. I don't really know what to do because I'm scared that if we hang out Ethan will be right and it'll mess everything up, but then what if Ethan is wrong and I'm missing out on a good guy?"

"Marcus is hot, don't overthink this. Just go out and do something with him. See what happens and if he's a douche then your answer is obvious but if he's sweet then you'll know to keep going," I tell her and she smiles at me.

Marcus is in my theater class but I was absolutely oblivious to the fact he was talking to Josephine.

She gives me a hug and I wrap my arms around her.

Suddenly, she sees something and intakes a deep breath, "I can fit behind that! And it'd be super comfortable."

I turn to see what she's pointing at and resting on a shelf behind me is full body pillow. She holds it up to her body for clarification and it hides her perfectly from head to toe.

"Let's go find somewhere for us to hide now."

The three of us begin walking toward the toiletries. We'll have a better chance of finding somewhere to hide over here. It's not like you could hide behind picture frames and lamp shades like we were finding in 'home decor'.

We find an isle of toilet paper and Erica sees an empty spot behind some paper towels, "This could be improved a little bit and it'll be big enough. I'd have to move a few rolls but this could work."

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