11 | The One and Only

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The day in the palace started a bit later than usual, as the three of them were still a bit drowsy from last night's merrymaking. Junior ended up breaking his promise of waking up early. Fortunately, he was saved because his father was just as tired.

"How wonderful is it that we've emptied our schedules today? I knew we were going to be wasted." Cal poured some milk into his tea as they gathered for breakfast.

"I don't know if I'd use the word 'wasted', Sire. I went to bed sober," Gigi denied as she helped Junior reach for the butter.

"Ah yes, I heard that drinking is not allowed in Praja."

"It is deemed inappropriate by societal standards, that does not mean it never happens," Gigi answered calmly, adding some ice cubes into her tea.

"The question is, do you want to? We can always hold a different kind of party next time, if you're into it." Leaning over to her side, he gave her a gaudy wink.

"It is too early to plan another party after last night," Gigi was flustered, unable to believe what he just said with his son being so close. Besides, she could not imagine what would happen if she really got drunk with him. The only other time she ever drank was on their wedding night. With her being entirely consumed by liquid courage, would she pounce on him this time?

"You always put some ice into your tea," noted Cal. "Wouldn't that make it cold?"

"I like it better cold. In Praja we drink ice tea," explained Gigi. She'd always add ice cubes into her morning tea, and lately Junior had started copying her as well.

Ice tea was the most commonly served refreshment in Praja, found even in the smallest household and restaurant, to the lavish dinners in the palace. Easy access to the main ingredients made it possible for people of all backgrounds to savour the drink. From ordinary farmers to the rich merchants; from soldiers to the King. The cold, sweet tea became an essential instrument to satiate oneself from the hot weather.

Picking up the ice bowl, she offered it to her husband. "Would you like to try?"

Curious, Cal took some ice cubes into his own teacup, stirring it a couple of times before taking a sip. "It's..." Everyone in the dining room held their breath waiting for the Emperor's response. "...Good." His face lit up, gulping some more.

"Mm-hmm," Gigi smiled knowingly. "But don't add too much ice, or you'll lose flavour of the tea." Her poor husband, he never had ice tea? He missed out on quite a lot.

"Bring us more ice for the tea next time," Cal told the servants. "That reminds me, why aren't you writing to your parents?"

"I do write to them, I just don't do it every single moment like everyone presumed me to," Gigi answered with vexation. She wasn't one to seek comfort in writing sappy letters to her parents while living far abroad. Praja had ceased to be her only home. Her place was with the Emperor and Junior. There was no going back.

Going over to the windows, Cal yanked the curtains open, allowing more light to penetrate the dining room. "Look at that sky! A perfect day to go for a ride, is anybody coming?" He turned to them with a wide smile.

The room fell into a dead silence.

"...Junior?" he asked after getting no answer.

Junior grumbled, raising his book over his face to block the light from reaching his eyes. "No."

"Coming with me, Gi?" Cal looked at her hopefully.

Gigi wanted nothing more than to surround herself in a dark, quiet place for a whole day before resuming her usual routine, yet... an invitation to spend quality time with her husband was rare.

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