30 | The Long Game

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17 - 08 - 2020


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(....Did anyone notice that I was foreshadowing, because myloststars_ didn't. HAHAHAHAHAHA)

.·。.·゜·༺♥༻ ·゜·。.


It was a surprise to see Aravin no longer tried to pursue Junior lately. Instead, he asked her to take him on her daily routine. She warned him that it was not all fun and games, but the boy insisted. He was unusually quiet when she took him to one of the tea parties. Normally, he would try to make a scene and make himself the centre of attention or demanding to be served his favourite food.

Had something happened between the boys?

Only as Miss Joséfina came to visit her, having shown an interest in becoming her court lady, he finally show his true colours. Gigi knew that she would need a lot of assistance during summer; with Joséfina being a lot more sociable than she was, she would be an excellent choice. It would please Cal to have her form a close bond with Angletonians.

"There are many rooms in the palace, but you don't have to stay here if you can't. You may go back in the evening before dinner."

"These rooms are so beautiful. Honestly, I wouldn't mind staying in the palace if it is required of me," Joséfina replied with a smile.

"Are you sure? I don't want His Majesty to get in trouble with the Prime Minister for holding his daughter captive," Gigi joked.

"Papa should accept the fact that his daughter is an adult now." Said Josefina, holding her head up high. "I should be making my own choices. Although, I do have a question. If I were to stay here, could I personalize my room a little bit? Could I make it more... pink?"

"Why not? His Majesty had my room redesigned in Prajan style before I got here. I believe it should be allowed in the other rooms, too."

"He did? That's so romantic! What a thoughtful husband!"

"He really is," Gigi solemnly agreed. Cal was indeed a good husband. Just look at that beautiful ass—Eyes! She meant eyes!

"But you're the daughter of the Prime Minister. I'm sure there are countless opportunities offered to you. May I know why you're particularly interested in this position?"

"What greater honour than to serve the highest woman of this country? And I do have something in mind, you see. If I got a recommendation letter from the Empress, that could guarantee me having any career that I want. So I'd do my best to make you happy."

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