Chapter - 12

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I read the message again hoping my gut feeling which says something bad is about to happen will go away. But it only intensifies every time I read it. After reading it for more than 10 times, I call the number. But the person on the other end sends it to voicemail. I dial the number, again and again, its sent to the voicemail. So keep dial until the person on the other end finally answers the call.

"Hello, Look I only gave the girl my phone to text. I know nothing about her. So stop calling me", a girl says annoyed.

" Hi, I just want to know the location. Where are you?", I ask rushing back inside my apartment ready to leave as soon as she gives a location.

"I am not giving it Okay. She told me who you are and what you do to her. Let her go and live a happy life with her boyfriend", she says and I don't understand a word of what she says other than the fact that she is not willing to share the location.

" There is some misunderstanding okay. The girl who texted me. She is in danger. Someone is trying to hurt her.  i am only trying to help her. Please just let me know where she is", I ask again.

"She is in danger from you. You are an evil monster. Just let her be and stop harassing me or I am calling the cops", she threatens me.

" Every second I am talking to you, I am wasting time instead of saving her.", I shout losing my patience.

"I am calling the cops", she says determinedly.

"Fine, But Call the cops on her. Tell the cops that she is in danger", I say trying to at least send cops to help Col.

" What kind of danger is she in?", The girl asks finally a little calmer.

"It's a long story. Just google me please, My name is Zachary Adams. I am the son of Jeffery Adams who is running for President in the coming election", I say hoping she believes me.

" I have seen you on TV. But How do I know its really you?", she asks.

"Can I face time you? You can see it for yourself", I offer and she agrees reluctantly. I face time her and she immediately recognizes me.

" Oh my God. Its really you.", she says excited but I am on the edge. Every second I am talking to her I am wasting precious time. Col must be in some great danger if she made sure I am not involved.

"Yes. It's me but I am running out of time. Please call the cops", I beg her.

" Okay. I didn't know the girl was in trouble. She rushed into the ladies room and said she wanted to text her boyfriend. Before leaving she said not to give the location and ran away. I didn't see from which direction she can or in which direction she went.", the girl explains.

"It's fine. Just call the cops", I insist and finally she gives in and tells me her location. Before ending the say, she assures me she will call the cops immediately.

As soon as I get the location, Mr Callahan and Ryan are ready and we jump into the car and start driving. Ryan drives fast expertly manoeuvring the vehicle and breaking a dozen road rules. After about twenty minutes we are near the location the girl shared and I have a feeling we are already too late.

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