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Molly's eye watered as she shared at her reflection on the mirror. Three months go if someone would have told her that she is going to be in "The Late Night Show with Trevor Noah", she would never have believed it. But here she was today giving her first interview. She couldn't he more grateful to the Colette.

A backstage staff guided her from the green room to the set where she will be interviewed. She waited behind the screen for be called on stage.

"Our guest today is the director of the soon to be released documentary film 'Colette', based on the inspiring life of Colette Adams, the wife of famous footballer Zachary Adams. Please welcome Molly Maverick", Trevor said as Molly walked on the stage and took a seat next to Trevor. Molly heard the welcoming claps and felt euphoric.

"Molly Maverick it's nice to have you today", Trevor greeted her and replied that she was very happy to be there.

"We all know Zach but Colette is a mystery to many of us. She has avoided limelight but you how got to her. Tell me how did you convince Colette Adams for the film", Trevor asked Molly.

"There is an another inspiring story behind it.", Molly said and Trevor asked her what it was.

"Let me tell something about myself first. I was in the sophomore in Gregorian High where several students were shot dead by gunmen. I made it out alive hiding in the chemistry lab cupboard and like me there were many students who survived. After the incident, I created a vlog where student told their stories. That inspired me to start a blog where I posted inspiring stories of people like soldiers, cancer survivors etc. After I finished college, I was hired by Texas Tribunal for my blog post. I had a section in their website where I would post inspirational videos. It was my dream job and I was also working in Houston which is my home town. But fast forward 2 years, I am a single mother of twin three month old babies. I lost my job because the new agency got shut. I lost my mother to cancer. I sold my house to pay my mother's medical bills and I was broke.", She said and Trevor chimed in like most of us for which the crowd laughed.

"I was getting very little income from my blogs and my YouTube channel but I couldn't leave my children and do other jobs because the daycare charges were too much. I thought if I could get an interview of some famous sports stars or celebrities, I can generate more income. So I started mailing everyone hoping someone would reply. Three months passed I didn't get any reply. I was hanging by a thread when I saw a news about the ex-President and his family. Colette Adams was mentioned and I remembered her court case so I mailed her. In the mail, I told her that I was a single mother and I was broken. I told her that if you gave an interview to my blog I will get more viewers and make some money"

Trevor interrupted Molly and asked if Colette replied.

"Yes she did after five days. I had lost hopes by then. So when Colette called I was dumbstruck. I didn't expect her to call me in the first place and she was so polite I was second guessing if it was really her. She told me she saw my blog and watched some of videos and they were great. She asked if I could come to Boston. I agreed but I was mentally calculating the money I needed to go to Boston. A few hours later I get a call from Zach's assistant who said my entire trip was paid. From picking me up from my house, they paid for everything."

Trevor asked if Molly traveled in Spirit Airlines and made a joke about Spirit Airlines which again made the crowd laugh. Once the crowd quiets down, he asked her to continue

"I reached their house and I am greeted at the door by Zach. I was a great fan of Zach and I have a fangirling moment. Then we walked into the living room where Colette was playing with their kids. She smiled brightly and I felt so at ease seeing how friendly they were. I have never met a celebrity and I had my own assumptions. Soon we got talking. Col asked me how I am planning to do the interview and I gave her a rundown of how it would be. After listening to everything I had to say, Col asked me if I was willing to work with other people. At that point, I was okay if they would just take some selfies with me. So I told them I was okay with anything. That's when they told me that they have spoken to Netflix and ABC who are interested to buy the interview from me. Initially, I didn't understand what they were saying. Then they explained that I would the director and the story will run on TV and Netflix and I will earn a percentage from the deal. I couldn't stop myself. I cried. I was so close to living on food stomps or go homeless and they offer me not just an inspiring story but a huge job which could skyrocket my career. A part of didn't believe it. I thought someone will jump out and scream you have been tagged. But three months later, here we are."

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