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"The rich only value the rich. Nothing else,"-C.T

"What is it that you needed from me, Sterling?"

I folded my arms, looking said man into his brown eyes, finding some contentment with the way his jaw clenched upon the sound of his name. "Cheyenne, I am your father and I am getting sick and tired of you not addressing me as so," I had the urge to scoff at the way he sounded: so pathetic.

His personal assistant scattered from the room like a roach, making me realize that he was the same everywhere he went. The same cold and ruthless bastard. "Just tell me why I'm here," I grumbled, knowing I had plans later on. I was supposed to be meeting Vivi and the cavalry at the movie theater later on, and I didn't want to risk being late (not that I would care if I was) or my father finding out about my plans.

Sterling pinned me to the floor with his stare, promising eternal suffering if I didn't cooperate with him. "As you can see, Cheyenne," He turned around to walk along the Dalbergia wood, one of the rarest forms of hardwood flooring in the entire world. "I want to make sure that you understand just how important you are to this industry," His tone was careful and it was tight, letting me know what kind of conversation this was leading into.

One that I dreaded.

"I need to make sure that you understand everything there is to know about my hotels because," He turned to me with narrowed eyes, daring me to defy him and I clenched my teeth, trying to keep myself in check. "This soon will be yours." Sterling motioned to the massive office that he owned, to the stack of papers that discussed deals between his hotels and others, and out of the heady glass window that showcased the entire city of Palo Alto.

I blinked at him, wondering if now was the time to laugh. "I don't know what you plan on doing or what you have been doing, son," The evil glint in his eyes told me that he knew a lot more than he let on. "But one thing is for certain," He turned to face me, steadily stalking over to me as if I was prey that needed to be cornered.

Sterling finally stood tall and strong over me, a menacing aura exuding from his figure as he leaned into whisper into my ear. "You're going to do this for me when and how I want, Cheyenne," I swallowed, gritting my teeth in vexation. "Because if you don't," His tone gradually darkened and I felt as if I had a chokehold around my throat. I hated feeling like this, feeling so inferior. I hated that I still flinched no matter how times I told myself that I wouldn't.

"Well, you don't want to know what I'll do."

He chuckled before taking a step back as someone knocked on his office door, smoothing down my collar. I closed my eyes and opened them back up, trying not to seethe in rage. This piece of shit trying to call himself a father. "Wow," I plastered a fake smile on my lips, slapping his hand away, much to his dismay. "You call me son, yet you're standing here like you're some pompous ass king of the world, threatening me?" I tilted my head with a harsh laugh, a bittersweet flavor setting in on my tongue as the knocks kept coming.

We stared at each other, amber into brown and I just could not deal with it. "I'll never be good enough for you," I gritted my teeth, clenching my hands and counting to ten. There was no need, absolutely no need to expose such feeling to such a despicable man like him. Compartmentalize, Cheyenne. Swallow and ignore. "Will I?"

Sterling raised a brow with a smirk as if he found everything funny. I shook my head, knowing this man was going to rot in the deepest part of Hell when he died. I didn't know how one man could be like this.

"I'll see you tonight at dinner, son," He tried to evoke such tranquility in his voice as if he was such a saint when the door opened. "Oh, Bryan," Sterling waved the man in with such welcome and I frowned, looking at his attire, wondering why he and the poor boy wore such similar clothes. I didn't even know how my father knew him by name. "Just the man I wanted to see," His smile morphed into one of evilness as he turned to me. I started walking towards the door, shooting him a look of vibrant hate as I slammed the door.

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