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"Each day, money seems to be even more insignificant," -C.T

"What is this that I hear about you and Quino texting without Tomas and I?" 

I kept a straight poker face as I ordered more clothes off of my Macbook, seeing Vivi's face narrow as she stared through her phone camera. "I have no idea what you're going on about," I lied straight through my teeth as my computer dinged with several new messages from the poor boy. "You're lying," She hissed, but I could tell by the satisfied smirk that she wore that she was okay with it.

"What did he say?" She questioned and I chuckled, knowing that she would cave in sooner rather than later. I still hadn't told her what he confided in me about, and I wasn't going to. I didn't know if he was drunk or he was fully coherent, but I'd rather not pull a Sterling move and tell all of his important business to other people. "He was just sending me pictures of food from the restaurant where he works. I guess he wants me to try it," I shrugged, purchasing some new Armani cologne. 

"Are you going to?" I frowned at the thought of trying commoner food, but before we parted ways a few days ago, he made me promise that I was going to do better so that I could understand him more. 

I didn't get why he wanted me to understand him more. I was fine the way that I was. "...who knows?" 

"I'm happy you guys are becoming friends," She teased and I gave her a glare through the screen. "We aren't friends," Vivi rolled her eyes as if she didn't believe me. "Sureeee. Yeah, makes total sense to constantly text someone who's not your friend," She deadpanned, seeing right through me and I blushed slightly. "So did he have to grovel and beg for your number? I'm sure with someone as kingly as you, you probably made him jump through hoops and whatnot," She muttered and I shook my head, purchasing more things. 

"That's where you're wrong," She raised a brow, her mind inquiring as to what the truth was. "I was the one who asked him for his. He gave it to me too," I stuck my tongue out at her, satisfied with the way her mouth dropped open. "I can be nice too!" Though it took everything that I had in me to ask him for it. 

The phone fell silent for a bit and I thought Vivi had died of shock before I heard her let out a screech. "I'm so happy!" The clap of her hands drowned out the noise of the computer as I began to respond to his messages, oddly pleased with the fact that he had a response time of less than 30 seconds. 

Joaquin van Zante: So when are you gonna come down here and try some of this good food?

Cheyenne Thorn: Why are you assuming I'm gonna come to you? If anything, you're gonna be coming to me. 

Joaquin van Zante: Oh, is that right?

Cheyenne Thorn: You got anything to say about that, Mr. van Zante?

Joaquin van Zante: Nah. I guess I can work with that.

I snorted to myself, feeling Vivi's prickly gaze on me through the camera. "I've never seen you even grin like this," She pointed out and I frowned in confusion. "What are you talking about? I don't smile," The thought of doing such an action sickened me to my core. It wasn't like me to go around smiling, and I never had a reason to smile. 

"Stifle it," I grunted, not even bothering to let her get her words out. She was probably going to say something about the useless poor boy and I wanted to hear nothing about him. I liked to live a life of bliss denial. "But still..." She spoke with a sigh of trepidation as she bit her lip. "What are you going to do if your father finds out about him?" She whispered and I gritted my teeth, facing the fact that one of the reasons why I never dared to associate with people of the lower class was because my father could and would ruin their lives with a snap of his fingers.

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