Chapter 6: Fight

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Disclaimer: This chapter is written in Third person P.O.V.

Julia's nose hurt.

Nick sat beside her an angry glare on his face. She sat in a rather comfy chair and tilted her head back, placing the icepack on her swollen cheek.

She stared at the fan twirling 'round and 'round over and over again. She moved her head and internally groaned since every possible joint in her body hurt. She looked out the window and saw the school's groundskeeper mowing the grass. Bored beyond measurement, she tuned out the boring voices of the adults and thought back on the day.


The day dragged on and it was soon lunch. Surprisingly, Julia wasn't sitting alone, rather she was with Crianna talking about how boring school was.

"Oh god, Mr. Mike assigns the most homework, trust me, his class is a living hell."

"Who, the math teacher? His class is a breeze. The test questions were so easy, it's English I'm worried about failing. I mean, Mrs. Gibson won't hesitate to fail me."

"And we all know what happens to me if I do" Julia added under her breath, squirming at the reminder.

Crianna laughed and took a bite out of her sandwich.

"Here, I'm gonna go get some food from the lunch line, I'll be right back"

Julia walked over and picked up some spaghetti with meatballs and a carton of milk, balancing it all on a small paper plate. Walking back she turned around feeling as if someone called her name. Seeing no-one she whipped her head around only to find a shoulder smash into her face. 

She groaned at the impact and held her nose in her hands cradling it to see all the blood gush out of it. 

With her lunch now spread all over her only shirt, she stood up, anger coursing through her veins. "Watch where you're going a**hole!" she yelled frustrated. The entire cafeteria suddennly froze, silent tension brewing in the air. She could literally smell fear, radiating around the hall in waves, clashing from one person to the next. She spun around and saw the boy who rammed into her, an eerie glint in his eye.

"What is that you called me?" he said, cupping his ear, taunting her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were deaf, but I called you a f*cking a**hole idiot," she said, still clutching her bleeding nose. She tilted her head forward in hopes to stop the bleeding when the first punch landed, taking her by surprise. She looked at the boy with a grin plastered on his face mocking her.

The boy grabbed her shirt and struck her stomach preventing her from doubling over.

"I'm sorry, what is that you called me again?" he whispered in her ear.

"I called you-" she coughed, spurting blood out, "I called you a motherf*cker," she said, smiling. He punched her once more, "What did you wanna say?" he asked, his tone laced with malice. "Hm, I didn't know that strawberry lipgloss mixed with blood is not a bad taste at all."

Taking him by shock she kneed him in the groin and slammed him on the floor. Finally gaining the upper hand she punched his face.

Once. Twice.

Still seeing that grin stuck on his face made her angrier and then something snapped inside of her.

Everything slowed down into a blurry haze.

Time itself stopped. Knuckles hit his cheek over and over again making his face a bloodied mess.






Time flew before sturdy hands pulled her apart while another pair of arms helped hoist the boy up. Despite being a bloody mess his white teeth showed, stretching in a smile as blinding as the sun. A growl formed in the pit of her stomach but she was turned away from the boy and marched straight into the principle's office, her wounds hurting, her cheek swollen, her lip busted open. But most of all her pride sheltered.


Julia smiled at that memory. Even though smiling hurt her cheeks, it felt good to know that she wasn't someone who blindly followed rules, but rather someone who broke them.

"Julia, are you even listening?" Nick hissed. Julia could hear the concern behind his voice but also the anger. The anger at her for getting hurt and also starting a fight on the first day of school. She let out a dry laugh then looked at Nick and weakly replied "Yes."

"So as I was saying, Ms. Adler will not be suspended due to some past complications on her record, although..." he paused, "She will be required to attend detention along with Mr. Racker." The principle motioned towards the boy when Julia realized that he was talking about her. Her last name was Adler. It felt weird in her mouth, empty almost, like another name that will soon blur with time and soon enough be forgotten from the winds of memory.

The boy, on the other hand, was named Denzel.

Denzel Racker.

He was your typical high-school jerk. Captain of the football team and at the top of the so-called "popularity chain." Not to mention, he was untouchable, as the son of a rich lawyer, whoever messed with this spoiled brat had their life signed and handed to them from none other than his own father.

Stealing a glance at Denzel, Julia realizes that neither of his parents stood next to him. His posh father probably didn't have enough time to come and indulge in any of this nonsense. What about his mother though?

Snapping back to reality, she heard the last snippets of the conversation Nick and the principle dying down. She stood up as Nick was about to leave, and followed him out, her face was really starting to hurt. 3 weeks in detention though, was easy, she's had worse before.

The duo reach the car and Nick starts the car. The ride home was spent in silence, save for those atrocious pop songs blaring out of the radio. With a quivering hand, Julia turns down the music and stares out the window. A bird sits cawing so mournfully Julia can't help but pity it. "Me too, buddy, me too," she whispers.


I know we didn't get 15 votes on the last chapter but 13 was awesome too!! Thanks for all the support guys. Just a reminder, I am in need of a good cover for my book. And the offer still stands, if we get just 13 votes on this chapter, I'll get another one posted by Saturday!

Don't forget to Vote, and Comment!

Also please inform me of any grammar or spelling errors I may have, or rather any errors I have (within the story, plot, etc.)

Ciao for now,


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