Chapter 10: Unknown Number

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"You're joking, right?"

Nick looked at her with the answer embedded into his face.

"What, why? I didn't do anything wrong I just slept in class," Julia argued, knowing this wasn't going to be a fight she would win.

"You slept in class, didn't turn in your homework for the past ten days, and you earned lunch detention for a week with your English teacher. Not to mention, you were kicked out of class."

"How do you know I was kicked out of class?" she asked, eyeing him.

"That's beside the point, Julia." Nick grew slightly frustrated with the teen's constant batter. Julia stayed stubborn as Nick patted his knee. She crossed her arms and angled her head, mocking him. So in one quick, fluid motion, he grabbed her arm and placed her on his knee. He wrapped his left arm around her and began.

"F*ck you," she yelled, irritated beyond measure. Nick delivered an extra hard smack to her behind. He continued raining smacks left and right, hoping to get the message across to the squirming teen. Julia placed her hands on the floor to steady herself, but she couldn't help but reach back. When she did, Nick stopped, and Julia breathed a sigh of relief. But her victory was short-lived as Nick took her hands and pushed them to her side.

Nick, fortunately, wasn't one for lectures. He wanted Julia to relent and understand her errors without him walking her through it. Julia, on the other hand, let a myriad of curse words flow through her mouth.

Nick didn't stop his hand but started bringing it down harder and on her sit-spots. Julia didn't want to give him the satisfaction of her begging him to stop or crying, so she held back her tears and reigned in her pain. As the smacks grew more brutal and Julia's resistance weaker, she yelled, "I'm sorry I flipped off my f*ckin English teacher, so just give it a rest already."

Miraculously, he did.

"You what?" he asked incredulously, hand still mid-air.

Julia realized her slip a second too late for her brain to process.

"Yeah, I did, big deal," she muttered dryly.

"Oh, it's going to be a big deal."

Nick regained his posture and started again, this time, his smacks were beyond brutal, they were merciless. By now, Julia was letting out grunts and trying to focus on keeping her tears at bay, but a few rebellious ones sneaked their way out. They slid down her cheeks and silently dripped on the carpet, making a slightly damp puddle as more joined to follow.

"F*ck," she murmured to herself, quietly enough that Nick couldn't hear.

She choked out a word that she had desperately hoped she wouldn't have to say, "I'm sorry."

"Are you really?" he questioned.

She groaned, and when he once again started his assault on her *ss, she yelled, "Yes, yes, I am sorry."

"Sorry you're getting spanked, or really sorry?"

Julia didn't reply, and after a smack, she sharply nodded her head.

"I'm sorry, all right?" she yelled.

Julia tried to push herself off his lap, but he was too strong.

"It sure doesn't look like your sorry."

Julia rolled her eyes and then shut them, pushing her humiliation out the door, "I'm sorry, Nick, for giving a teacher the bird."

"That's what you're sorry for?" Nick asked, sighing audibly, "Clearly, you're not."

The fire in Julia's *ss grew hotter and hotter as Nick grew faster and faster. Tears became a steady flow of water as Julia's cries turned into apologies.

"Look, please, I'm sorry, stop, I swear I'm sorry."

Her pleas fell on deaf ears until finally, Nick stopped and looked at the limp teen silently sobbing in his lap.

Gently, he asked, "Are you really sorry?"

Julia nodded and reluctantly responded, "Yes."

"Yes, what?"

Julia wanted to yell and throw things, her rage driven by humiliation. But she swallowed her anger, and grudgingly replied, "Yes sir."

She tried to get up, surprised that Nick didn't stop her.

Wiping the tears from her face, she asked him in a flat voice, "Can I leave now?"

"Hey," Nick grabbed her hand, "You know that I want the best for you and that I would never hurt you, right?"

When Julia remained silent, her lips pressed into a line, he searched her face. Nick knew she wanted to be alone, so he let her go and walked out of the room.

When Nick closed the door behind him, he immediately turned around, ready to go back in. He knew he should go and comfort her, but it seemed as if she didn't want him around.


Julia flopped onto her bed the moment Nick shut the door. She smashed her face into one of the pillows and lay there for a minute or two before hearing her phone ding. She ignored it at first, but when the constant dinging became a pain, she picked it up. Julia saw texts from an unknown number. She clicked on them, opening it and reading them.



Three times.

A gasp escaped her lips as she dropped the phone, the white light blaring menacingly from the carpet.


Hundreds of them.

All of her.

She scrolled to the bottom and saw a picture of her taken today. She was there, smiling alongside Criana, in front of her locker. Julia scrolled all the way back up, her eyes growing wider at each passing photo. There were photos of her when she was in a foster home, a time long before now.

Afraid, Julia closed her curtains and turned off the lights. She snuck downstairs into the empty kitchen and grabbed the longest knife there was. When Julia got back to her bedroom, she saw a couple of new messages.


My little bird,

All these years you thought you were free

But in reality, the cage you were in was invisible

Now, you will beat your wings bloody trying to get out

You will yearn for the slightest taste of freedom

But you will never get it

Because I hold your keys

And you are my mine

Julia had to hold back the vomit reaching up to her throat as her face grew pale. The last five words kept repeating in her head, bouncing off her mind until they blurred together into mushy vowels and consonants.

The realization of it all hit her like a slap to the face,

She had a stalker.

She looked up from her phone in the darkened room and started to laugh; A laugh-filled to the brim with anger, fear, horror, but most of all, loneliness.


It was hours before Julia actually fell asleep, her knife clutched in a sweaty hand. Her door silently creaked open as a figure stepped into the room.


Hi guys,

Mwhahaha, another cliffhanger for you, hope you don't mind, *winks*.

Thanks for reading, but please vote, it really boosts my motivation and spirit. Also, the votes have dropped from the last chapter(Awwww).

In case you forgot, I'm open to any ideas and critique.

Yayyy!! We hit Chapter 10!! I'm super happy!

Thank you guys soo much!

Ciao for now,


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