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One of the many things that Emery Swan was taught by her father, was to never feel sorry for herself because of her illness. Instead of only speaking about her cancer, like her doctors, mom and sister, Charlie always kept her mind away from it. The daily conversations consisting of her online classes when she wasn't able to make it there physically, and the inside jokes they shared always made her feel like she was more than just a girl who was terminal.

So after the almost unbearable plan trip, seeing her father stand there sticking out like a sore thumb, made Emery feel like she was ten again. She paced herself as fast as she could go towards her father, gripping onto her to go sized medicine bag, a smile that was reserved just for him made it's way onto her flushed cheeks.

Emery heard her sister behind her shuffle slowly behind her, almost reluctantly. Ignoring the sigh behind her, she soon made her way over to her father and wrapped her arms around him as soon as she was close enough to reach him.

"Welcome home, Bug." Charlie murmured into her hair, holding onto her securely with one arm and carefully sliding one of her bags off of her sore shoulder. The familiarity of it all and the nickname made her beam. For the first time in seven years, she was back home.

Bella eventually made her way over to them, awkwardly kicking her foot out, dragging it against the worn out carpet of the airport.

"Hey Charl- dad." Bella corrected herself, slowly curling her arms around her middle, her eyes quickly moving elsewhere to avoid the eye contact.

Their father cleared his throat and took a suitcase from Bella, the latter awkwardly smiling in a silent thanks and ducking her head as she rushed out of the airport.

Emery hid a smile behind her hand, and followed behind them with a slower pace, regaining her breath.

"Hey Bells, did you get your hair cut?" Charlie asked.

"No, I grew it out." The younger sister grumbled out as she sat in the back of the police cruiser.

Emery pursed her lips and looked away, not knowing if it would be appropriate to laugh at their behavior. Instead of making a teasing comment, she instead closed her eyes, her body quickly relaxing to the comforting hum of the engine.

Everything was still the same. The chipped paint on the bottom of the left side of the house, where Emery used to bump into while wheeling herself around on her old bicycle. The same windchime her and Charlie placed by the top stair after she made it in first grade and brought it with her during her summer vacation, because the blue in it reminded her of the color of his uniform and his favorite comforter.

Emery grinned as she slowly got out of the cruiser, the chilled air making goosebumps rise on her skin. Instead of shivering, she instead embraced it. One of her most common symptoms being overheating, causing red and overly white patches to grow around her neck. The cold air was welcomed and comforted her greatly.

Turning around to face her younger sister, Emery grabbed one of her smaller bags, but Bella placed her hand up, a disgruntled look on her face.

"I've got it. I can carry one bag, I promise." She said almost playfully, looking at Bella with a raised eyebrow.

Bella simply shook her head adamantly and held the bag up high on her shoulder, and walked around her, ignoring her efforts.

"You promised mom and Phil you'd take it easy." Bella protested, the words being the first directed towards her sister in days. Emery took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Instead of becoming frustrated at the fact that her younger sister was treating her as if she were weak, she tensely nodded and headed towards the front porch steps.

She could hear the slam of the cruiser's trunk and the calm voice of her father speaking to Bella.

"I know that this is hard on everyone, but don't forget that she's the one that's sick. She's still your sister." Was all that she heard before she made her way inside of the familiar home, mindlessly taking small steps towards her bedroom.

"Emery, we've got visitors," Her father's voice called out, making pause from sitting on her bedroom floor, cross legged, as she refolded and organized her clothes.

The familiar sound of Billy Black made an automatic smile resurface, and she made her way down as fast as she could, her left hand gripping onto the railing.

"Billy, Jacob." She greeted, an easy grin spreading as she looked up to Jacob and saw him already making his way over.

"Hey, Bug. How are you feeling?" Jacob asked, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, being careful to still carry most of the weight himself.

"Good as new, Ponyboy." She said with a teasing look in her eye, quickly averting her eyes to his father when she catches the look of doubt in his eyes. "Billy, looking good. How's everything on the Rez?" She asked, creating a conversation with his dad and her own, matching up with their laughter, while Bella and Jacob stood behind them making awkward small talk.

"I'm surprised you didn't notice the surprise yet sooner," Jacob said with a full on smirk, nodding towards the rusted red Chevy truck next to the cruiser. "Just in case you guys ever want to come and visit us, maybe skip a few days of school and visit us on the reservation." He continued, sending Emery an amused look as she looked back at her father, who had a look of disagreement quickly building on his face.

"No way, this is sick," Bella exclaimed, quickly moving towards the truck with newfound excitement, that neither her or father or sister have seen in years. The excitement made the older sister smile to herself as she made her way over.

"You just got your license, so you can drive us to school." Emery said, smiling softly at her sister, looking up at Bella as she saw the happiness on her face.

"Are you sure? I know you miss driving." Bella said, her eyebrows furrowing, her shoulders slowly sinking down. Before Bella could lose her excitement, Emery said they would take turns, even though she knew she wouldn't have enough energy to drive on her own, especially not while she's medicated.

The conversation lasted for a while, and Emery felt her body begin to droop, and excused herself. After promising that she'd visit the Black's soon, she was drowsily making her way towards her room, tiredly listening to the conversation of school starting tomorrow happening behind her.

Turning onto her less sore side, Emery smiled small and closed her eyes.

To a new beginning.

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