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Bella closed her eyes in exhaustion as she sat in the passenger side seat of Edward's car.

"I've read everything I possibly could within the past few weeks. Nothing adds up. The attack at the school, Emery healing and still not being able to wake up. I don't think she's going to make it this time." Edward reached over and clutched at her hand, the cold from his skin comforting her from the damp and foggy weather outside. 

"Let's be optimistic. If they were able to communicate with me through her, that means that she's still alive. She's healed, her vitals are stable." The Cullen trailed off, his hand on the steering wheel gripping as he watched a somber looking Jasper walk out of the hospital's entryway. 

Bella nodded and grasped onto her jacket, before opening up the door. 

"Don't lose hope. We're going to figure this out, okay? I'm here, and I'm with you." Bella smiled tiredly at him, glad to know that since the accident happening to her sister, he's beginning to come around. 

"I'll see you later." Bella murmured out, before making her way into the hospital. Refusing to look at the other Cullen looking her way, she quickly made her way though the waiting room and into the elevator. Every time she looked at Jasper or Alice, the looks of defeat on their faces pained her. 

Bella paused outside of her sister's hospital room, watching as a doctor printed out the recordings of her resting heartrate. Glancing to the left of the inside of the room, Bella began to frown as she saw her exhausted father asleep on the reclining chair, his head haphazardly resting on the wood of the arm. Wincing in sympathy, Bella awkwardly nodded a hello at the nurse and tiredly made her way in, before pausing at her father and unfolding his jacket he tossed to the side, gently resting it on his back for warmth.

As Bella took the seat closest to her sister, she felt the urge to glance over at the flower that has miraculously lasted for the past few weeks, before forcing herself to relax in the stiff chair.

A sudden gust of wind blew past the Swan and right before she closed her eyes, the smell of flowers enveloping her senses, as she fell asleep to the calming sound of her sister's heart monitor. 

Doe eyes snapped open, quickly squinting from the light that beamed down into her eyes.

Expecting the sounds of comforting voices from those who she knew would surround her, she was instead greeted with silence.

The smell of grass and lilies filled her nostrils as she began to stand, her hands shaking as she made her way onto her bare feet. Birds chirped with earnest around her in the surrounding trees, as if they were greeting her. With eyes beginning to become accustomed to the now bright light, she opened her eyes widely as she took in her surroundings.

Similar to the field where she and Edward would lie down, was now filled with flowers brighter than she had ever seen. Panic began to fill her as she took in the unfamiliar surroundings. Bella began to panic, her hands clutching her sides, freezing as she looks down at the weeds surrounding her in a bed. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Bella began to clutch onto the damp ground, her legs swaying as she began to stand.

Eyes straining from the bright light that shined down on her, the Swan began to feel a sense of hope as she began to see a stream and a path to the side of her.

Dewy mud clung onto the bottom of her jeans as she stumbled through the weeds, a rose thorn nicking her thumb as she brushed through. Wincing from the smell of iron tainting the fresh smell of the flowers around her, Bella pushed through until she got to the edge of the stream.

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