43 ★ A part of history

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ℤ𝕠𝕠𝕞 - 𝕃𝕒𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕚𝕟𝕠𝕤𝕒𝕦𝕣𝕤

"In a million years,

when we're older

finally we can be

a part of history"

Hendrix POV

I try not to think. My brain refuses to comply.

Cedric's arm is tight around me, his fingers aimlessly trailing across my rounded belly like a delicate map of rivers and mountains. For some reason, the baby has been more active than ever. I think he or she senses their daddy.

It's not fair that I couldn't spark that reaction, but I digress.

I stare out the window, counting the states we pass through. I think of Jamison sleeping in the trunk, wrapped in silver chains. I know he betrayed me. He lied. He was never my friend, and that hurts.

I think of my Momma, dying in a cold, lifeless hospital room surrounded by strangers. I know she's in a better place, but it doesn't make it hurt much less.

There's a hole in my heart.

Cedric doesn't fail to comfort me, and I allow it. It helps me to feel a little warmth. Just when I start to relax against him, I remember what he is and I stiffen.

A lycan. Apparently, he's immortal, and shifts into a giant wolf. I didn't get much after that, because all we heard was a scream to drive us to the other room. Ezra told me to stay put, but I was too curious, and a little scared.

Cedric was enormous, and terrifying. He went from his already impressive 6'8" to over 8 feet tall. His head grazed the ceiling, his hand had grown claws, and his arms sprouted thick, dark hairs. I recognized him though. I would recognize him anywhere. He's a creature with massive amounts of power, according to Ezra at least.

What does he want with me then? I'm just... me.

Cedric must feel my distress, because pretty soon his firm fingers are tipping my chin up to look at him. His eyes are bright crimson, and his black eyebrows are so thick and fierce. I've missed him so much. Scars and all, he's the most handsome man on the planet.

"What's wrong, baby? You haven't spoken to me in two days." What he says is true, even when we stopped in Oklahoma to sleep in a hotel.

I won't forget the conversation that transpired. Savannah wasn't happy about having to stop, but Cedric brought up my humanity, he said I have needs and I need rest, that I'm more delicate. I haven't said a word since then.

It embarrassed me. I'm not like them. They're powerful, unstoppable, and I'm just a human. I've never felt more out of place.

"Please. Just talk to me." He implores with a whisper, and I frown.

"I don't know where I fit into all of this, Cedric." I tell him softly, shrugging my shoulders pathetically. "You're a lycan, and apparently a pretty infamous one by the way Jamison looked at you. I have to idea how this has to do with me."

He looks completely perplexed by my admission, like I've gone completely crazy. He grabs both of my hands tightly in between his.

"You're my mate." He says, as if that should explain everything. I tilt my head to the side, not quite sure what to make of the word. I've heard him say it before.

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