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𝔽𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕦𝕤 - 𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕪 𝔾𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕤

"Flag me down and beg me to

Drop what I'm doing and sit beside you"

Cedric POV

It's been an eternally long day spent in the office, and I'm almost done. Thank the Moon Goddess. After a few phone calls, paper work, and check ins, I can't say I'm not ready to be home. It's been an eternity since I've had any rest or semblance of a break.

I had a call with the new Alpha of the Green Pack, checking to see how he was fairing in his brand new job. Apparently, things are going smoothly. Alpha Paulinni had no complaints, and it sounded like he was well suited in the position I left in his hands.

He chose a Beta, and is frequenting nearby social events to find his mate. I'm glad to hear it. No Alpha is completely competent without a Luna to check him.

Then, there were the multiple calls with the Guard. One was about Jamison, and how he's going to prison for a long, long time for his involvement with my mate.

It's good news. I can finally relax and put the whole thing behind me, but I can't make any promises to myself. The situation will forever loom in my mind as what almost happened that night when I came to get Hendrix. She wouldn't be here, and I would have gone completely insane.

After that, I had to touch base with the Guard once again, but for a much more pleasant reason. Our adoption of Keifer is still a thing of interest. His caretaker, a social worker named Linda, insisted on weekly phone calls for the next month to make sure he's settling in all right. She's very protective of him after all that he's been through, and I don't blame her.

He was stolen from his human Mother, and he doesn't even know it. How many others have been adopted out of the CPO and are only now finding out about their past? It makes my stomach sick. The scandal of the CPO being shut down is national news to all supernaturals around the world. I'm sure that every adopted lycan is getting the information first hand from the Guard employees working hard to make things right.

Speaking of adopted lycans, there's one more thing to do tonight, and I'm not looking forward to it. I have a meeting with my Gamma, and he walks right in at 9:00 on the dot.

"You wanted to see me?" Ezra wonders, side stepping through the door with raised eyebrows and a stiff posture. Apparently it's always nerve wracking being called into my office for a chat. I press my lips together.

"Just for a moment. I wanted to ask you a few things." I say. He nods his head, striding in quickly. He sits down, obviously a bit anxious.

"How have you been dealing with your adoption circumstances?" I wonder, feeling awkward at the question, but knowing it's necessary.

No matter how hard it is for me to ask into people's personal lives, I have to. I take care of my pack members. I have to make sure that every single member is fairing well, whether it be mental health or physical health. Both are equally important.

Ezra sighs, raking a hand over his golden auburn hair.

"Fine. I haven't really thought about it too much. I'm trying to focus more on my life now. My mate has helped me a lot in that regard, she always knows what to say." He explains, making eye contact with me. I have a lot of respect for Ezra, mostly because he's not afraid of me.

"Have you decided if you're going to take me up on the offer to visit your father in Mortem Malum?" The high security prison is located far from here, in Antarctica to be precise, but the trip might be something that Ezra needs to get some closure.

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