Baazi 🖤

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King Shivay stare his personal maid Anika through mirror as she adjusted his jewels and straightened his cloth , She smoothed the crisps using her palms and pulled out pearls jewel under his kurta and setted them perfectly .

His eyes stayed on her face only as he noticed her facial expressions and what irked him most is her completely cool and composed behaviour , she didn't complain even once neither she said no to his any order except for giving bath , After she finished her work of making him ready , she took two steps back and asked in low voice "Anything else I can do for you My King" Shivay's eyes widened on her choice of word and something in him doesn't like her calling him King .

"Ohhh so you finally learn to give respect " he teased with a smirk and she stare down with fire in her eyes .

"It's pleasure of maid to respect her King , My King" Anika emphasized on word maid and passed a forced towards him , his smirk fell off from his face , he scanned her face for any trance of sadness but there was none except anger , somewhere he felt guilty for treating her and talking with her in this way but his guilt vanished when he notice her angry eyes .

"Then I think I should keep you here as my maid only , it's really pleasurable to see you like this" he taunted , she fisted her finger and glared him angrily before lowering her gaze .

"Ohh you can , After all I am your war prize " her reply made him pale but he was quick to cover his emotions and smirked .

"And here I was thinking , You only know how to rule" he said and made his hair using his fingers .

"That's your problem not mine" She retorted angrily "Anyway my work is done here , so I am going" She said and start leaving his chamber but he was quick to hold her wrist and pull her towards him .

"MY fierce Maid" he taunted with a smirk and she stomped his foot making him winch from pain "Don't underestimate me King Shivay , I can do the things which you can't even think" She whispered staring straight in his eyes and their eyes locked for an intense eyelock before she broke their eye contact and left his chamber leaving him all Smiling .

"Ohhh So finally Maid princess get time to show us her face in our harem" Queen Padma said loud enough for all maids to hear , few maids laughed while others hanged their head low feeling pity for the Princess , Anika gritted her teeth angrily but kept mum "And what the hell you are wearing?" Queen Padma screamed seeing her in royal dress "You really don't know what a maid should bear " Queen Padma smirked and threw pair of simple clothes on Princess Anika face

"Princess" Sara whispered with tears and stare Anika who was standing on her place numbly , Sara bent down and collect the cloths , Anika start moving away without replying Queen Padma with Sara following her with dress .

"And also an ugly girl like you don't deserve to be anything except maid" Padma smirked in victory and Anika stopped in her way and turned towards Padma with her eyes spitting fire .

"It's matter of few months Queen Padma till then enjoy what you have now because after winnint Kuraam my another motive is to break this pride of yours and take over this harem to show you what you really are and what you really deserve , One more thing I m listening all your nonsense bcoz I know rules of punishment unlike you who don't even know to rule". Gasp were heard after that , All ladies of harem stare Anika with wide eyes , Padma's mouth hanged open and before she can say anything else Anika left from there in anger .

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