~ Chapter 31 ~

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The beautiful bike purred under me. Riding her on the dirt track seemed unfair. Machinery of this craftsmanship belongs on a long paved highway, with no other object but itself.

I was grinning from ear to ear. I was looking at the track ahead and all the bumps were daunting. Axel insisted I start off on an easier track but my ego wouldn't allow it. I blink towards Axel. His hands gripping at the fence, eyebrows furrowed. He nods at me, giving me the go-ahead to move.

I adjusted the tight helmet on my head, then - I was off.

The air caressed my face as I slowly made my way down one of the hills. Sheer terror was the only thing holding me back. It feels like I have no control but all the control in the world at the same time.

I feel vulnerable; I can and will die if I crash this bike.

I feel blessed; I can feel all the elements against my skin.

Starting to get my nerve back up I rotated my wrist on the throttle. The wind whipping my neck harder than before. My shirt begging to fly off with the wind. I was flying, soaring through the track.

I was on a high, however, internally calm and at peace.

The few people around the track became colorful blurs. Trees looked like blobs of green and the dirt under me started to look like the road to heaven - in both ways.

My throat is dry from my large open-mouthed smile. How have I never experienced this? I pity anyone that hasn't felt the joy and freedom of riding. 

The beauty growls from under me again, picking up the speed. She hums almost as if she's alive. I think that's what makes me trust her. I feel dangerously sexy. Like once I get off the bike I'm going to remove my helmet and shake my hair like the girls in the movies.

I let go of the throttle completely, trying to slow down. I saw the large hill coming up and I decided that I wasn't going to challenge it. Unfortunately, the bike slowed but not at the rate I needed it to.

Ecstasy turned into terror as I strained my neck to find Axel. He's already on the track. He was talking to me, but I couldn't hear him over the engine. The last thing I wanted to do was harm his bike. Especially after I had begged him to teach me to ride. I knew that going full send on the brakes would just harm both me and the bike.

I had to think; Treat it like a car

I eased on the brake, the bike slowed. I turned the handles letting the side of the bike face the large hill in an attempt to create more friction. The dirt kicked up and the wheels froze. Chuckling at myself, I get off the bike.

Arms wrap around me as I trip on the space from the ground and the bike. Axel catches me in his arms and the bike with his foot.

I reach my arms around his neck, "That was amazing!"

"I'm glad you liked it, princess, but you nearly gave me a heart attack,"

"Thank you for catching me," I smile as he places me back down, going to tend to his bike.

"I'll always catch you."

He stated it nonchalantly, wheeling his bike back to the parking lot. The little jump my heart did blanked my mind. I had no words - utterly speechless. What's even more infuriating is that I'm pretty sure he said that cheesy line on purpose because he's a narcissistic asshole, but he's a cute narcissistic asshole so it still had an effect.

"Do you ever thinking about just riding away?" I changed the subject.

He turned to me, "What do you mean?"

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