~ Chapter 58 ~

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Axel Stone

"Self-inflicted? How do you self-inflict bruis-"

I caught the end of the conversation as I closed the door. Athena sat in the VIP section of the gym, obviously leading the conversation. It's the first time I've seen her since I told her to leave. We don't really do the whole apologizing thing around here. Even if we did, I'm not sorry.

"I don't want to talk about her," I set the record straight, before sitting down.

"Axel, you can't just avoid the situation-"

"Victoria is just like everyone else," I spit, unwrapping my hands. "When times get tough she leaves,"

"That's not a very fair conclusion," Noah comments.

"No, he's right," Kaiden waves his hand. "If she wants to believe that screwed up tape let her believe it,"

"We have more important things to worry about, like how to pay rent this month," I try to keep my anger at bay.

I don't want to talk about her. They always push the envelope when it comes to me. They hold me to a different standard. I can't get the money, pay the rent, and still be an outstanding human being at the end of the day. I don't want to face my problems head-on. I want to make money and pretend I never met Victoria Beckette.

"Well, you can't keep skipping school," Noah successfully changes the subject, "Or we'll have a repeat of last year,"

"I plan to go tomorrow. After today's fight, I don't have another until a few weeks,"

With the upcoming election, the fights are starting to space out. I was lucky enough to get two in today. I would get another job, but I'm not good at anything else. The only thing I've ever been good at is fighting.

"My father is cracking down on Beau and me," Kaiden scoffs, "He wants me back home,"

"Your brother is already there most of the time though,"

"He wants both of us home," He shakes his head. "I don't know why. He's never cared before,"

Kaiden has a story like Victoria's. Rich parents that don't give a shit about their kids. The tale is more common than most people know. Kaiden has always been one to act out against his parents, however. Daniel Smith, Kaiden's father, owns a few businesses here and there. Kaiden believes that he's had it out for him since the day he was born.

I think he just doesn't know how to be a father. He's incapable of feeling anything for anyone that isn't him.

"We just have to make it a few months. You'll turn eighteen and Beau can live with us," I affirmed.

"That's the thing, I don't think he wants to leave," Kaiden continues, "There's no doubt that my father learned from his mistakes with me and treated him better. Don't get me wrong, that's a wonderful thing. I just think he's going to get his hope up, man,"

"It'll work out, it has to,"

"Your money comes in Friday, it'll be fifteen thousand," Athena adds in.

"Friday? Can it come any sooner?"

"Cops are really watching the movement of big bills," She presses her lips together. "Everyone is having a hard time right now,"

Goddamnit Beckette...

"Fuck," Kaiden cusses, "What the hell is his problem?"

"Who's?" Noah frowns.

"Beckette's, you know who's,"

"We have never done anything thing to that son of a bitch!" Kaiden yells, "We're just trying to get by,"

"I know, I know," Athena breathes, "But he hasn't won yet,"

"He's going to though, and then what will we do?"

"Then you just can't let him win,"

"That's easy enough for you to say,"

"You're right, I have a real job-"

"Alright!" I cut in, "That's enough."

No matter how long we've been friends when there's a fight they always go for the jugular. I can't even comprehend the real meaning behind hurtful words right now, I'm too stressed. We're at our lowest times now and all anybody can seem to do is give us shit.

I'm overwhelmed. Everyone has done something to get my side-eye at least once. I don't mean to be suspicious but people that I believed to be family suddenly haven't thought twice about double-crossing me. As hard as it is to say it; this time of my life makes being homeless look like a vacation.

"I'm so tired of this shit."

Kaiden mumbles as we settle into the car. He has every right to be upset. It's moments like this that you get angry at yourself for taking every little happy moment you've ever had for granted. What I'd give to go back a few months. Just for a second.

"Keep your head up, man," I try to console my friend.

"We've always figured something out, this time is no different," Noah smiles faintly from the back seat.

Kaiden agrees and silence falls over the car. The energy was shared and the silence was comfortable. It was apparent that another person was missing from the car. A few people actually, but one specifically.

"Have you seen Tyler?"

Noah apparently was thinking the same thing.

"He texted me yesterday," Kaiden speaks, "It was a long paragraph, I didn't read it,"

"I blocked him before he got the chance."

The same night I kicked him out; I blocked his number and all his social media. I didn't want to see Tyler, I didn't want to hear his name. How quickly he could throw our friendship away is a staple of how I've been treated all my life. I love that man with all my heart, he was like a brother to me. However, I'll be damned if we'll ever be cool again.

"I was thinking about him this morning," Noah thinks out loud, "I just don't understand,"

"There's been a disconnect for a while," Kaiden explains, " We've all seen it,"

"Maybe it was money?" Noah suggests, "Do you think Beckette would've paid him?"

"I have no clue," I shake my head. "When Victoria told me I was beyond shocked. I never would've seen it coming."

I think about it often actually. About what I missed, the signs that I should've caught. On one hand, I want to say Tyler is selfish, that he only cares about what benefits him. Then on the other hand I remember where we came from. We grew up together, we struggled together, we starved together. Months ago I would've died for that man - in a heartbeat. So I don't understand, I don't understand how someone, you would literally put your life on the line for, can stab you in the back.

"So what are we going to do next time we see him?" Noah asks.

"Well, he deserves another ass whooping," I joke to lighten the mood. They chuckle and the air lightens up in the car.

"No, but seriously," I glance at him through the rearview mirror. "Let him be, he'll get what he deserves,"

"He has no family, he's going to realize that no amount of money can fix that," Kaiden starts, "He just left the only people in this world that care about him,"

"I thought I knew him," Noah chuckles humorlessly.

I shoot him a lopsided smile,

"People change."

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