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I'm going to also make a motivational quote book in wattpad soon so check it out if you want to feel motivated!

•Most people imagine things from above and at an angle when they are thinking,dreaming or planning something.

•A healthy relationship will never require you to sacrifice your friends,your dreams or your dignity.

•Psychology claims that if two past lovers can remain just friends,its either they are still in love,or never were.

•Dating an awkward person is less stressful.
You laugh more and have more fun which improves quality of life and overall health.

•There are three types of long term memories:episodic(life experiences),semantic(information or knowledge) and procedural(how to do things and learned body responses)

•Learning new things changes your brain and increase your intelligence—even if you're older.

•Music changes the way we think in our mind and our preception of the world.

•A short Sleep or napping for just 6 minutes can help improve your memory.

•You find relief in sleeping.
When you're sleeping,you're not sad,angry or lonely, you feel nothing.

•Psychology says, If you are meeting someone for the first time, you only have about 7 seconds to make a powerful first impression.

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