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•Gardening improves children’s desire to learn and boosts their confidence.Gardening helped use up surplus energy in active kids by teachers or parents.

•Your child understands what you are saying before they begin to speak.

•According to a study by Boston Children's Hospital , children with musical training have enhanced executive functioning.

•Chess makes kids smart.It forces students to slow down, concentrate, use precise thinking, active both inductive and deductive reasoning, as well as recognizing difficult and complex patterns.

•Kids are more highly strung today, with high school students showing the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the 1950’s according to data survey.

•Music and movement augment children’s language capabilities during the preschool years.The younger the child, the more important music becomes. When children learn nursery rhymes that are set to a steady beat; they learn to appreciate the pacing of words and how to speak more clearly.

•Drama and comedy in the classroom encourage children to listen and participate.

•Engaging children in planning and reflection enhance their predictive and analytic capabilities.

•Play-based learning activities increases a child’s attention span.

•Children who are encouraged to talk to themselves aloud have increased probability of learning.

•Children behave better when parents are involved in their education at home and at school.

•Phonemic awareness and alphabet recognition increase children’s chances of reading achievement.

•The first five—and especially the first three years—of a child’s life are the most important. They shape the brain’s organization, development, and functioning throughout life.

•Children who watch more than three hours of television, videos, or DVDs a day have a higher chance of conduct problems, emotional symptoms, and relationship problems by the time they are 7 than children who do not.

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