Chapter 7

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I finish applying the sticky compound to the dorm wall and adhere my frame to it. This picture is from 7th grade when we all joined the school swim team. We were all skinny, gangly little things with big uneven smiles that braces would later fix and I donned a hideous purple butterfly one piece. I cringe and reach for the next picture I want to hang.

This is from our graduation party at my house. Only four months ago, but it feels like an eternity. We are again in swim suits, but this time I'm wearing a tasteful white bikini with bejeweled edges. My mid-back length dirty blonde hair in french braids I begged Cassidy to do. My over sized brown eyes covered with sunglasses. My boys are stunning like they always are. Bulging muscles and defined abs. Big smiles and grabby hands that are all wrapped around me in one way or another.

Trevor is in his usual black. Black swim trunks and black sun glasses frame his sharp jaw and glittering gold-brown eyes. He has a small grin on his face, but it's like the one he forces when I ask him too, not his real smile that I see when he looks at me. I love his eyes. I could look at them forever trying to find each speck of glitter. He stands at 5'11, shorter then the twins, but much taller than my 5'3.

He's got a dark caramel complex, tan from being outside so often. Toned from being a track runner and playing soccer. He has lean muscles, but very defined. His hair is a dark brown and tousled from swimming and me running my hands through it while he piggy backed me around the pool. He has snake bite piercings in his lip and a collection of tattoos forming down the right side of his chest, bicep and arm. He looks dangerous and sexy, but I know there is nothing dangerous about him when it comes to me. He's my broody boy. He's a man who takes charge and easily leads. He's our voice of reason and our advice giver. He has a maturity about him that differs from the twins and I.

Bash is wearing blue swim trunks. He has a baseball cap on backwards and his blue eyes are bright in the sun and seem to reflect off of the water. He has a boy next door charm about him and his smile is always happy and cheeky. Bash is my shy boy. He is more reserved than his brothers. His touches are more hesitant and are his kisses. He lets me take the lead most times and I found I really enjoy it.

He is the lighter of the four of us. He keeps our spirits up and can crack any bad mood. He's easy going and it's easy to spend hours with him being quiet and cuddling while we talk about everything and nothing. I share more with Bash because he's a natural listener. He knows things about me I'm not sure the other two do.

Liam has on red trunks and his hat is facing forward hiding my beautiful boy's eyes. He's kissing the crown of my head, his spot. He has kissed me in the same spot since we were kids and now that kiss means a little something more. Liam is my possessive boy. He's all alpha male and always has to stake a claim in front of others. It used to annoy me, but the older I got the more I enjoyed being claimed.

He's my fighter and defender. His favorite thing to defend is my virtue and over the years it has only amused me more. He loves forcing his hoodie over my head when I'm showing too much skin, or buying me conservative clothing I wouldn't normally wear. I humor him occasionally because I find it flattering he loves my skin so much he doesn't want to share it.

My twins are giants. They are 6'3 and over 200 pounds. They are bulging with muscle and have large biceps and thick thighs. They have fit waists lined with abs and hard pectorals that somehow feel soft when my head lays on them. I know something else about them is huge.. when we would make out I would feel their erections straining towards me through their pants and more days then not I woke up with one or two hard-ons pressed against me.

Trevor seems big to me from what I feel, but then the twins feel huge. I have to admit it's a little terrifying. If their penis is as huge as the rest of them then I'm not sure it'll fit. I'm picturing a cucumber and a penne noodle and I laugh to myself then cringe at the imagery.

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