Chapter 1

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| (Y/N)'s POV |

"Hello! (hello!)"

Both Ai and I were greeted by two little tanuki's at a front desk. We had entered the main Aldric Corp building and had to walk to a separate branched off building connected with it to our assigned Island Getaway Package. The name of our package was from a small company called Nook Inc.

"Oh..!" Ai was surprised to see two young tanuki working the front desk. She seemed surprised that they were merely tweens but out of respect, she treated them the same. "Hi~ Me and my friend here are for the Nook Inc Island Getaway package!"

"Oh! Well Let us be the first to congratulate you two on your wise decision to sign up for this adventure!" They beamed with delight. "First let us introduce ourselves!"

One raised their hand and stated that they were Tommy.

The other, who notably had a higher voice stated that they were Timmy.

Huh, Noted.

The two began asking us questions, going through security questions and checking our tickets. Ai began to trail on about how cute they were and just overall making them feel awkward. She was always like that, even as a kid and now as an adult. I'm glad she is so approachable.

While they were talking, I began to drift off into my own thoughts as I gazed on the glass wall that revealed the sandy shore of Ocksbury. I was going to say goodbye to this bustling city soon. I didn't know if I should feel happy or not. I mean, I'm moving on in life. Maybe Ai was right, I have been caught up in all my work for years.

"-And your friend's name?"

I quickly glanced back at both Ai and the twins. Oh wow, I must have zoned out for too long. Ai didn't take notice of this and answered for me but I believe Timmy (or Tommy) took notice.

"Alright, you two are set!" One of them looked up from the computer and gave us a smile. "Because you two are our first checking in, you two have the courtesy of picking the island! Hooray! (hooray)"

They turned their computer monitor towards us which displayed 3 different maps to choose from and after a few minutes of debating which one to pick, we both settled on one.

"Excellent!" They both chimed as they turned the monitor back towards themselves

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"Excellent!" They both chimed as they turned the monitor back towards themselves. Timmy (I think) then turned to us.

"You two can head to the waiting room, thank you so much!"

Me and Ai nodded, grabbed our bags and headed into the waiting room.

Ai began to ramble on how she was excited and proud of me deciding to be onboard with the whole thing. However, still stuck deep in thought, her words flew through one side of my ear and out the other.

I couldn't shake the feeling of regret and sadness. I was happy that I was leaving, but it was just too soon! What if I don't like this whole experience? What if something goes wrong? What about my job? And What-

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