Chapter 3

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|(Y/N)'s POV|


It's just pitch black. Huh... where am I actually though?

Soon, a figure begins to form in front of me. It's an animal. Their silky white fur and black beady eyes immediately spark my memories, it's K.K. Slider! ( What was he doing here..? )

Holding his iconic guitar in his paws, he looks up to me with a blank expression.

"So." His voice breaks the bland silence and words from songs he sang flavor the environment around us. "Looks like you've decided to make your own way into the world. Get out there, explore new frontiers."

Me? Decided? No offense to Ai but I was dragged here. I literally have no other choice but to LIVE here now. ...To be honest, I am not TOO mad. After all, she's bringing me back to where my heart belongs, out in nature, not in some stuffy apartment. I guess I can finally get my life back into my own hands.

"That's all the way right, daddio" He says, as if he could read my mind, "You don't need to live by anyone's rules but your own."

He tilts his head to the side a little, as if he's acknowledging me, "The world is made for exploring, you know? Living free, being out there, It's a great feeling."

I can't help but agree. I've been so constricted and confined into my little apartment, I nearly forgot what "friends" were. ( Jeez now I sound like myself when I was a teenager! )

"..Yeah, but take it from a cat who's been on the road... being lonesome can grind your soul. You gotta make friends along the way. Rambling this crazy world is squaresville without some pals... Yeah man, Friends are where it's at."

Alright, at this point, I'm starting to think that KK is just my subconscious rambling at me telling me to 'get out there'.

"..Speaking of rambling" K.K. added onto my last statement, "I'm doin a bit of that myself, my bad."

He nods his head and his gaze upon me becomes tense.

"Maybe it's about time for you to wake up to your new life."

Wake up? But it's so nice and comfy... where-ever this is...

"Oh- But listen up" He snaps me out of my darn thoughts again. "That little rap I just gave about friends? That's pretty key. You'll dig this island life a whole lot more if you share it with friends, if that's your scene."

He nods from his last statement, "Yeah, An island with your best pals sounds pretty groovy to me."

Setting aside my sarcasm, my subconscious is being pretty real with me. Maybe it's about time ol' (Y/N) to loosen up a bit! Being 26 isn't always easy.

Perhaps my old childhood self could bring itself back... will it be easy though? Have I already gone too far? Oh geez, what if I don't have it in me anymore?

The sound of K.K. 's mesmerizing strums coming from his guitar snap me out of another trance, he is now fading into the darkness once again. Leaving me alone, in the darkness.

In the darkness, where my fears lay.

In the darkness, where my insecurities lay.


In the darkness...


Where my true identity...




Ugh... I slowly opened my eyes which crackled with the morning glory that had subsided in them overnight. I was greeted with the familiar orange fabric that made up the tent.

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