New Friends

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[Clara's pov]

It's been a month since the appointment and I haven't talked the others since but Jamal's been keeping me up to date via text as well as at work. Speaking of work, i'm late. I was supposed to be there at 9:15am to help open but it's 10:02am and i'm still in bed. I've just been extra tired lately but doctors say that's normal. I grabbed my phone off my nightstand and called Dwayne:

"Morning Dwayne, sorry but i'm gonna be a little late today" Well, I already am.

"Just be here when you can, do me a favour and get Jamal too please. We're short staffed today."

"Sure thing, be there in 20" Probably 30 because i'm a slow walker.


I rung the doorbell and Jamal answered the door. I guess Dwayne already messaged him because he was already in his work clothes so we just start walking. For some reason he was quiet which is unlike him.
"So this Olivia chick. Is she cool?" I asked trying to break the awkward silence. He was visibly nervous. Like something was bothering him.
"Oh yeah she cool. Cooler than cool. She-" He started rambling.
"Okay what is it?" I know something's up. It's rarely ever awkward between us.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you" He tried to brush past the subject. So I brushed back.
"I always believe you J. Now what is it?" He never keeps things from me so i'm not letting this go until he tells me.
He stopped walking and looked at me for a second like he was trying to come up with something. "Have you lost weight?" Because of my sickness, I have.
"Stop stalling Jamal and tell me." I looked at him seriously, waiting for an answer. Then he started explaining his theory on the RollerWorld money and honestly i'm intrigued at how smart this kid is. He's gathered all this information and already has a couple leads.
"You found all that out yourself?" He nodded and we started walking again. Of course I believe him but I get why the others don't. I mean it's a little extreme. But I can tell he's serious about this so I offered to help.
"What do you want me to do?" He looked at me surprised that I actually want to help.
"You really want to help?" He still wasn't convinced.
"Are you kidding me, of course!"


We walked in to the joint and put on our aprons before heading to the back to help with food prep.
"Can you wait tables today, Clar?" I heard Dwayne ask from the counter. He handed me a notepad and a pen.
"Uh- okay?" He never makes me wait tables? He thinks i'm too nice to handle some of the customers that come into the diner. I didn't mind though, the joint wasn't really busy yet. People usually come between lunch and dinner. Then the entrance door bell rang and I turned to see my first ever customer. I'm a little nervous but excited. The man walked in and took a seat at one of the booths. I tied my hair back into a messy low ponytail, fixed my apron and walked over. Immediately I recognized him. It's the guy that was sitting in the back of Spooky's car. The one that pointed at me. I plastered on a smile before making my way over.
"Hiya what can I get you?" He jumped. I think I startled him.
"You scared me there Kindness" He laughed and read the menu before making his order. "I'll get a beef burger and some onion rings."
"Cool. Shouldn't be too long." I smiled at him and he chuckled and shook his head then grabbed his phone outta his pocket.


I placed his food in front of him and he thanked me. I looked around for my next customer but there was literally no one else. I went to walk back to the counter but curiosity took over and turned me around.
"Hey." I walked back to the guy and sat down across from him. He looked up at me with a mouthful of food and gave me a nod before swallowing is mouthful.
"Shouldn't you be working?" He took another bite of his burger.
"I think I can wait on these empty tables later" I gestured at the tables around us. He laughed at my sarcasm.
"You're funny. I like that." He offered me some of his onion rings. I kindly rejected. "So what you want Kindness?" He asked.
I held my breath for a second. Do I really wanna know why he pointed at me? I mean it's been a month what if he's forgotten? Screw it. I'm not gonna ask. "Uh- what's your name?" Really Clara? That's all you could come up with. wHaT's YoU'rE nAmE. I bet he thinks i'm stupid.
"Sad Eyes." He answered without hesitation. I tilted my head and looked at him. Sad Eyes? "What?" He's almost finished his food but he doesn't seem to be in a hurry to leave. So I decided to start a conversation. I just love making new friends.
"What's your real name 'Sad Eyes'?" He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me confused.
"Antonio." He wiped his mouth with a napkin and threw it on his tray.
"Well i'm Clara." I smiled and extended my hand. 

[Sad Eyes' pov]

"Well i'm Clara." She put her hand out and I shook it, a little confused. I realise I didn't actually know her real name. I just call her Kindness cause that's what everyone else calls her. I figured they call her that cause she never stops smiling, which Spooky hates, but she's actually giving me kind vibes. Spooky's just stubborn and I love teasing him about her. But why is she talking to me?
"I have a ruca." I didn't know what else to say but I know I didn't want her getting the wrong idea.
"That's great, Antonio." She looked at me and smiled all innocently. She probably thinks i'm a fool. "What about you Kindn- I mean Clara. You got a man?" She laughed like I said something funny.
"No I do not." I don't get what's so funny?
"Why?" Now i'm curious. She's too pretty to be single and she's friendly as fuck!
"I just don't have time for that." I mentally rolled my eyes because that sounds like something Spooky would say.

Time went by and we were still chopping it up, this girl is actually pretty cool. We talked about the most random things. I could never talk to Spooky about this shit. It's so rare for guys like us to have normal conversations like this. With Clara I felt I could quit fronting and be a normal person. I can already tell she's someone I can confide in. 


I'm so sorry if my writing is trash lmao.


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