Process Of Healing

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2 week time skip to after shit went down with Cuchillos...

[Oscar's pov]

"Why would you give Jefferson to 19th Street? They're playing you!" Cesar raised his voice at me but I didn't have it in me to yell back. I never do these days.
"I don't want this life no more mano. I want adult problems, a wife, kids. I feel like I lost more than I gained this year than I have my whole life and i'm done. I lost the only person to ever see good in me. She loved me... because she wanted to not because she had to and now it feels like i'll never have a love like hers again. I cant do this shit no more. I'm tired mano and you taught me that the real power is that of the mind." I tried to keep my tone as calm as possible. Clara hated it when I raised my voice. I left Cesar with that and went to my room. I opened my drawer and pulled out the flannel shirt I wore the last time I was with Clara. I put it to my nose and took a deep breath in. Taking in the scent of her that I tried to forget. I guess part of the reason why I couldn't forget it was because I didn't want to. Cesar walked in and I turned around to quickly wipe my tears before taking a seat on the edge of my bed. He looked at the shirt beside me then back at me. Without warning my tears came rushing down again. He sat beside me with a sympathetic look on his face. Then he wrapped his arms around me and I couldn't help but cry into his arm. What if I never get over this. What if I feel like this for the rest of my life.

[Cesar's pov]

I felt his pain as he cried in my arms. Seeing my brother like this breaks my heart. He doesn't deserve any of the shit he's been through and this has to be the worst. Losing the love of his life. I don't know how long it's gonna take for him to heal but I know exactly what I have to do.
"Shhh you're gonna be okay, I promise." I tried to comfort him. Oscar has been there for me whenever I needed and right now he needs me. 

It's my turn to be there for him. It's my turn to take charge.



Sorry if it's a lil short! Hope y'all are okay.

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