Chapter 13

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(this is Clarrise from last chapter)

"Makada, please, talk to me. I said I'm sorry, please." Dimitri knocks on my door for about the fifth time today.

"Makada, Roman needs you."

He says quietly. I shoot up from my bed and stare at the door.

"What do you mean?" I quickly walk over to the door.

"He's awake, he woke up this morning."

I fling open the door and look at Dimitri. It was only the afternoon after he and Nolan refused to give me any answers, and I was surprised how tired he looked in that short period of time.

"I'll only go down there if I get some answers."

He nods.

"But you'll come?" He asks.

"Yes, I'll come." He visibly relaxes.

"Nolan has been trying to calm him, but he's really lost control this time. He needs you."

I nod and follow him downstairs. When we get to the main level, I'm surprised when he opens another door and starts walking down a set of stairs.

"I didn't know you guys had a basement," I say looking around.

He shrugs and we keep walking. The basement is poorly lit, with plain wood floors and plain grey walls. We go through a door and hallway before coming to what seems like a control station.

"What is this place?"

Dimitri sighs and walks in.

"Nolan, Makada's here." Nolan is standing in front on a desk with different controls and lights. On one side there's a computer and a laptop, and in front of it all there's a big TV.

"Makada, I'm glad you're here." He says stiffly.

I nod and continue looking around.

"Is this the Green Room?" I ask. I remember Caroline telling me about the Military Action base that was somewhere in the house, but I didn't know where it was.

"Yes and no. When you first came in there were three hallways. One goes to the Green Room, one to a Safehouse, and the other-"

"Here." Nolan finishes Dimitri and clenches his jaw.

He walks over to the computer and pushes a few buttons before the TV flashes on, and as soon as he does I gasp and walk towards it. On the screen is a live video feed from a cell, with Roman slumped against one of the corners.

"We call this the Pivot Room, and it's forbidden to everyone except Dimitri, Me, and now you." Nolan says. "And Roman."

"I-I don't understand what's happening. Why did you lock him in there?" I whisper. It hurt me to see Roman there, locked up and alone.

"Makada, I know this is confusing, but please. We need you to calm him down before he hurts himself." Dimitri puts a hand on my shoulder, but Nolan clenches his jaw again and looks away.

"I don't think this is a good idea." Nolan suddenly says.

"Nolan, she's the only one that can control him-"

"I know, but it's dangerous. Roman's dangerous, she could get hurt." He turns to Dimitri and looks at him with hard eyes.

"Look, Nolan, I know you're protective of her. She's my Luna, of course we're both going to care for her. But if she doesn't do this, who knows if Roman will ever come back." I watch as they both look at each other.

Little Red and the Big, Bad, Wolf.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें