Chapter 7

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Diego looked out over his friends from the ledge point of the floor he stood on. The rest of the runaways. He tried to think of a plan. The AHDA had a price above their head that needed to be paid. Diego sighed. Why did Jonas have to be so damn persistent in stopping them when he should really be on their side. "Those fucking doctors," Diego whispered under his breath.

Amanda pulled on his dreadlocks. "Ow! What the hell?" Diego yelped. He pulled his hair out of her grip. "Got any plans?" she inquired. "No, not yet. There are many retired AHDA agents, but I don't know who to go for," Diego thought aloud.

"Why don't we just take Jonas now before he finds us! He knows what area to look in," Amanda demanded. "I know and we will. We just need a well-equipped plan. He's not an idiot, plus we'll just take a little risk," Diego returned. Amanda scowled at him but growled, "Fine, but if this gets us caught just know it's your fault." Diego sighed again. She always had a bitchy mood in her.

Diego receded back to his makeshift office. He had a bulletin board that had all the retired AHDA agents in Boston and if they were dead or alive. He did have a photo of Jonas with many known facts about him he gathered over the years. He also had Dr. Gray on the board with an X crossed over her smiling face. Diego glared at the picture of her. He couldn't stand it. "Fucking sociopath," he muttered.

Diego pulled out a folder from an old rusty filing cabinet that didn't really have anything in it. It was just there to make sure the room didn't get overly messy and disorganized. The folder had the name Brandon Miller written on it in a bold black marker. Diego tossed the folder down onto his desk and sat down in the old office chair. They didn't have the best furniture considering how they were in an abandoned building.

Diego looked through his file of facts they acquired. He didn't live alone, though. Brandon had a husband. That was trouble. Diego had Amanda send Amelia Ortiz to spy on Brandon to get somewhat of a schedule so that they could find an opportunity to kill him. Brandon had a love for gardening. He was alone while he gardened because his husband, Ian Miller, was at his job at a local bookstore. They had a nice and quiet life. Not for long, however.

"Aye. Amelia's back," Amanda called from the doorway of Diego's room. Diego looked up from his desk. Amanda leaned against the doorway with her arms crossed. "And?" Diego inquired. "She has some concerns," Amanda replied and stepped out of the way. Amelia stepped in. She had curly brown hair with ocean blue eyes. She wore a black jumpsuit with a leather jacket and black short heeled boots. "There's a problem," Amelia started, "Jonas is getting closer." Time was running out. Diego groaned, "Shit." Amelia looked over at Amanda and sighed. "We need to get him, now," she demanded.

"No. The message isn't clear enough. Brandon Miller should be gardening tomorrow afternoon. I will go and send a message to Jonas too," Diego planned for them. The two girls sighed. How much longer? He was getting pretty risky. "It's your call," Amelia said before walking out. Diego peeked at Amanda. "Make it work," she said and left Diego alone.

Diego stared at the file of Brandon Miller and slapped it closed. He had to think about something else. Jonas. Diego looked back at the list of things he knew about Jonas on the bulletin board. He stared at the address of the motel he was temporarily staying at. Diego had to think of how he was going to give a message without being too obvious. The pills. Diego remembered the AHDA giving Jonas pills before the Blackout. Those bastards destroyed him. Diego wrote down the address on a small piece of paper. He was going to do something Jonas would definitely notice.

Diego knew that Jonas might not stay at the motel for long since the police and he knew that they wanted Jonas and Jonas alone. Diego straightened his jacket out with his one arm and proceeded to leave on his task. He needed to be quick though. He didn't know when Jonas would get out of the hospital and if he was even going to the police station. Diego exited his office and walked down the metal stairs. Everyone watched him leave the building mostly because he was their leader. The mastermind behind it all.

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