Chapter 27: Take care of her

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"If you love her, tell her. Heart are often broken by words left unspoken."- unknown

Arabella POV

"Hey, sweetheart. Wake up, please." I heard someone called my name but my eyes are too heavy to be open to the familiar voice.

"Ara sweetheart, please open your eyes," he pleaded. This time I opened my eyes and saw him sitting beside me on my bed. His hand was placed above my head while his other hand holding onto my hand.

"Thank God, you finally awake!" He half screamed and he seems relieved. A smile can be seen on his lips, clearly.

"What happens?" I asked couldn't figure out what happen earlier.

"It was your gastric again. How are you feeling now? Do you still feel pain?" I can see his concern.

"I'm fine now. You don't have to worry," I said and pulled my hand away from his grip.

"Leave me alone. I want to rest," I said when I recalled about the dinner last night and the breakfast this morning. I'm not sure why I'm being sensitive but his absence made me upset.

"I'm not going to leave you again. I'm sorry," he apologized but I turned my body from him and my back was now facing him. He sighed probably sensed my ignorance.

A moment later, I heard a knock on the door and Aunt Monica entered the room with a bowl of porridge and milk on the silver tray. She smiled at me when she noticed that I was awake.

"Ara, you are awake. Are you feeling better? I should've made sure that you had your breakfast this morning." I sat on the bed and leaned on the headboard. I felt bad for not having breakfast and made her felt guilty for my own fault.

"I'm good now, aunt. It's not your fault. I'm sorry for not eating the breakfast that you prepared this morning. I fall asleep," I explained tried to erase her guilt.

"It's okay but now please eats something. You will need to take your medicine later. Do you want me to feed you?" She asked pointed at the porridge.

"No, just put it-" I wanted to say something but someone interrupted my words.

"Just leave it to me. I will feed her," he took the tray from Aunt Monica's hand. I looked at him tried to protest but he just ignored me without looking at me.

"Then I will leave her to you. If you need anything just call me. I will be at the kitchen," Aunt Monica said and patted my head as a mom did to her daughter. I nodded with a smile. She left the room and closed the door behind.

"I can eat myself," I said after being silent for a while.

"Can you stop being stubborn?" He said moving away from the bowl so that I can't reach it.

"Can you stop being persistent?" I mocked.

"You knew the answer," he said with a serious tone.

"I told you I want to rest. Just leave me alone like what you did last night and this morning," I said more like a tantrum which only caused him to chuckle. I stared at him with anger.

"I never know that I bring that much impact to you," he said with a deep smile while his eyes fixed on my face. I didn't spare him any smile in return. Not after what he had done.

"To repay you, I will feed you now. So, please be a good girl and finish this porridge." He tried to feed spoonful porridge to me but I shook my head and tried to snatch the spoon from him.

"Arabella Duncan," he shouted my name which makes me shocked. This was the first time I heard him yelled my full name which makes me almost laugh but I hold it.

"Please, sweetheart. Before I call mom and tell her that you skip your breakfast today," he threatens me. Childish move! I gritted my teeth and obeyed his command.

"Good wife." He patted my head which made me slapped his hand in return. I finished the food and took my medicine afterward.

"Ok, now done with the food and medicine. We need to talk." His words made me worried. I glanced at him waiting for his next word but he just stared at me in silence. We are still sitting on the bed with our bodies rested on the headboard.

"About what?" I asked tried to control my emotion.

"About this." He shows me his phone. That was the picture of Matt and me at the cafe where we met yesterday. I remembered that time I patted his hand tried to encourage him after he told me about his issue with the drug.

"Are you spying on me?" I knew he can sense my pissed-off tone.

"No, of course not." He shook his head instantly.

"Then how do you have that picture?" He sighed before answer.

"Someone sent it to me but it was a private number and I still didn't find out who is that person."

"This is ridiculous!" I yelled at that person that invaded my privacy. "What is their motive by doing that?"

He shrugged his shoulder.

"Probably, want to create some mess in our life," he paused. "Which was a success," he continued.

"Sorry, I should talk to you earlier about this," he said admitting his mistake.

"Wait," I said tried to figure out something. "So this is the reason you said that I broke your heart last night." The sentence came out as a statement.

"Did I say that?" He looked confused.

"Last night when you were drunk," I tried to remind him about his not so sober state last night and he just nodded weakly.

"I can't remember that," he admitted.

"Why don't you tell me about him? Why you meet him again? Don't you scare that he will abuse you again? And what he wants from you now? For God's sake, you are married now and you are my wife!" He raked his head and moved away from the bed standing at the edge of the bed.

"Hey, calm down," I said tried to talk some sense into him. I felt the tension between us and I don't want it to be like this.

"Come here," I gesturing him to come closer and offering my hand to him. It was the first time I offered myself to hold his hand. I just follow the instinct that told me this is how it should be. He moved closer and accepted my hand.

"Do you really want me to answer all the questions that you asked just now?"

"Just tell me everything," he said while playing with my hand that he holds tightly in his palm.

"Yes, I admit that I met him yesterday. He apologized. We just want to make everything clear between us. To be true, he used to be a good boyfriend until he was addicted to drugs. Now his condition is better and he is still under treatment to free from drugs," I explained hoping that I can clear his doubt.

"Do you still want to be with him?" I never expect he will ask me that silly question. I almost laughed but I suppressed my laughter.

"Hmm, maybe," he looked at me with his eyes double in size and he tightens his hold but it wasn't hurt me.

"Ouch, you are hurting me," I said playfully.

"Second chance. Let me change my question. Do you still want him back?" He uttered the words clearly and stared at me waiting for my answer.

"Isn't that the same question?"

"Just answer it."

My husband will be jealous if I still want my ex back." He smiled, satisfied with my answer.

"And who is that jealous husband?" He raised his eyebrows. Playful Dominic is back!

I shrugged ignoring his question which caused him to tickle me and that's how we ended our dramatic episode with peace.


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