Chapter 31: Solving the puzzles

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"We're only haunted by the things we refuse to accept."-Bridgett Devoue

Arabella POV

"Hi, William." He was seated on the table with a cup of hot coffee while playing with his phone.

"Hi, Ara," he greeted back and pulled a chair for me. I smiled with a thank you.

"Order something?" He asked out of politeness. I ordered a cup of hot chocolate.

"Thanks for coming over." He was really helpful in our relationship.

"No problem. I bet I am the consultant in your relationship with Dom," he said jokingly which made me laughed softly.

"If you don't mind tell me what's wrong between you two. I noticed that Dom wasn't in a good state this few days or to be exact that friend of mine were in a mess." He shook his head. Probably the image of Dominic pestered in his head right now.

I sighed before telling him the truth. There was a reason for me to call him today. I need to figure out something and find out the truth about Dominic. I know he will be the right person to talk to and I know I can trust him on this.

"Do you remember the night Grace went to your bar?" I paused, "With Dominic," I continued. He knitted his brows tried to recall something, I guess.

"Yeah, I did remember that night but he didn't come with Grace."

"But she was there with him."

"You can't blame him for that. Grace is the crazy ex that keeps chasing for him. He wouldn't keep anything away from you."

"He did send me a text telling me that he was at the bar that time and I was thinking of giving him a surprise that night but it turned out that I was the one who received the surprise," I mocked at myself.

"Don't tell me because of that you avoiding him for these few days." It came as a statement instead of a question. I nodded weakly. Pathetic but true.

"I saw her being touchy with him and she kissed him," I exclaimed in a pissed tone but he just laughed and I looked at him confused.

"This is going to be epic," he said still laughing.

"What do you mean?"

"You should've seen his response after that kiss. You know what, he just splashed her with his drinks and said that he is all yours and she can't touch him without your permission." His statement amused me and I can sense my heart jumped happily.

"Seriously?" I blurted out.

"I thought he still loves her since he never mentioned her to me."

"You are totally wrong."

"Pathetically, it turned out to be like that."

"Can't you see how much he cares for you? You remembered the night he was drunk?" I nodded.

"That was the first night he drunk after two years of being sober and you were the reason. Can't you see the damage that you have done to him? You made him crazy, Ara."

"You mean he never drunk for the past two years?" Now I'm confused again. I never heard about this story of him.

"Yeah, tragically," he sighed. "Do you know about her sister?"

"Yes, sort of. I saw her pictures and I knew that she died because of a car accident," I said remembered what Dominic told me about her sister but not in a full story.

"It was a car accident with Dominic. He drove the car when he was drunk and that time he tried to chase Grace after he found out that she cheated on him. His sister tried to stop him and begged him to slow down but he was not sober. He was overwhelmed by his emotion and drunkenness. The car lost control and flipped. He was in a critical condition but his sister couldn't be saved because of the serious internal bleeding in her head." I can see the sadness on his face. They might know each other or maybe close.

"After that incident, he never touched any alcoholic drinks until that night when he saw the picture of you and Matt. He said he wanted to make himself drunk so he can clear his mind about you and Matt but he reminded me not to let him drive. That's how you affected him."

"I never knew about this. I avoided talking to him about Grace because I was afraid. I was afraid if he tells me that he still loves her. I'm scared of losing him." I finally admitted after I figure out my undefined feeling.

"No, it won't happen. Grace was in the past. He never talked about her after she dumped him for another guy. You should open your heart and try to give him a chance. He is a good man, Ara. You wouldn't want to miss this guy," he said with sincerity as a friend. His words touched my heart. I almost cried with his advice.

"Thank you, William. I think now I need to go. To correct all the things that I have done before it is too late," I grabbed my beg and stood out from the chair knowing what I need to do. My heart feels like it has been lifted from a heavy stone

"I expect a happy ending," he smiled with encouragement.

"It will be," I reassured him and with that, I quicken my steps. I need to meet him. I want to talk to him and I want to apologize to him badly. I want to hold him too like how he holds me all this while. I don't want to deny this feeling anymore. Now, it is my turn to mark him as mine.


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