Chapter 10

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Today is the day that the album comes out and you couldn't be more excited. The shop is closed today, which makes for perfect timing. And the girls are coming over later so you can listen to the album together, which should be really fun.

But at the moment, you and Jungkook are laying on your bed, his head in your lap as you play with his hair.

"C'mon, please.." He begs.

"You're going to make fun of me."

"No I'm not." He promises. "Just say it."

You groan. "Fine. My name is Skye and I'm from America and..I don't know what else you want me to say."

Jungkook giggles at your English. "You sound so cute."

"Whatever." You mumble with a small smile. "Now you say something."

"My name is Jungkook and I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world." He smiles, looking up at you.

You can feel your cheeks flush at his words. "Okay first of all, your accent is adorable. Second of all, that was very smooth, Mr. Jeon."

"Thank you, I try." He says cheekily, making you roll your eyes.

The two of you sit in comfortable silence for a moment. "Are you nervous about the album release?" You ask.

He nods. "There's always a chance that our fans won't like it, you know?" He says thoughtfully.

"Believe me, ARMYs trust you guys. I trust you guys. When have you ever let us down?"

He smiles softly at that. Then he grabs your hand that isn't in his hair, lacing your fingers together.

"Can you spoil a song for me? Just a little bit?" You pout.

Just as you thought, Jungkook immediately shakes his head.

"Please?" You whine. "Just hum the chorus or something."

He sighs heavily. "Fine..but you have to give me a kiss first."

"Deal." You smile, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

When you pull away, he smirks. "I changed my mind, one more."

"You're so annoying." You mutter, kissing him once again. This one is longer than the last and he puts his hand on the back of your neck to pull you closer.

"You love it, though." He comments when you finally pull away.

"I do." You admit and he chuckles. "Okay, now you have to hold up your end of the deal, mister."

"Alright, alright." He sighs. Then he takes a deep breath and starts humming. You listen closely to the melody and just as you start to move your head to the beat, he stops. (The song is My Time.)

"That was so pretty."

"I'm glad you think so." He smiles. "I helped write that one."

"Well, I can't wait to hear it."

He stares at you for a moment, quiet as if he is thinking abour something. "You know, I was thinking.." He sits up, settling down next to you.

"What is it?"

"After the album comes out, we're going on a stadium tour."

"Right.." You nod, not sure where he is going with this.

"Well, I wanted to know if you would come with us."

Your eyes widen. "Wait, oh my god, really?"

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