Chapter 11

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can you come to the bighit building
when you're off of work?
i have something to give you

You look down at your phone during your break, reading the text before shrugging.


Your phone buzzes again a few moments later.

i'm at practice rn
so i'll get the driver to pick you up
see you soon 🥺❤

You smile softly at his adorable use of emojis before putting your phone away.

Then you get back to work. When closing time rolls around, you help clean up and lock up before grabbing your things. "No golden maknae today?" You turn around to see Sora standing behind you with an amused smile.

You shake your head. "He's busy practicing, but I'm actually going to see him right now."

"You're going to BigHit?" She asks with wide eyes and you nod. "Say hi to TXT for me."

You laugh, shaking your head with a small smile. "Maybe if I see them."

After saying goodbye to the rest of the girls, you head out. You immediately spot a black van outside. Just to be safe, you take a look at the driver and you're relieved to see that he looks familiar.

You climb in the van and you greet each other politely before he pulls off. Soon enough, you reach the infamous BigHit building. You thank the driver and then enter the large building.

You get a few strange looks as you walk in, probably since you're not an employee. So you stand off to the side, sending Jungkook a text to tell him that you've arrived.

The longer you stand there surrounded by BigHit employees, the more out of place you feel. But after a few minutes, you see Jungkook emerging from one of the hallways.

He's completely drenched in sweat, his hair damp and beginning to stick to his forehead. But there's a large bunny smile on his face when he sees you.

He jogs over to where you're standing, wrapping an arm around your waist. "Hey, how was work?" Jungkook greets you, kissing your forehead.

You suppress a chuckle when you see the look on the employees' faces. Before, they were giving you strange looks but now they are full on staring, their eyes nearly bulging out of their heads.

"It was busy, a lot of customers today. How's practice?" You ask, looking up at him.

"Exhausting, but fun." He grins. "In fact, we have one more run through so we should probably be getting back now."

You nod and he grabs your hand, leading you down the halls of the building. Before long, you arrive at the same practice room you've seen in their dance practice videos. Except this time, instead of just the rest of the boys, there are also a bunch of other performers.

Everyone seems to be on a break at the moment, in various stages around the room. Most of them are drinking water or chatting with one another.

It doesn't take the boys long to notice you and they wave when you and Jungkook walk in.

You greet them as well, heading over to where they are standing.

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