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NAVIGATING HER WAY THROUGH THE crowd, Luna found her best friend at the end of the hallway

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NAVIGATING HER WAY THROUGH THE crowd, Luna found her best friend at the end of the hallway. With a relieved sigh, she approached the girl, immediately wrapping her in a hug.

"G, I am so sorry for what Ricky said. Are you okay?" Luna asked sympathetically.

Pulling away from the hug, the sophomore offered a weak smile. "Yeah, I'm okay. You shouldn't be apologizing for Ricky though," she pointed out.

"You're right, but I feel like I need to. You know he didn't mean what he said? He has a lot going on in his life right now- which I know is no excuse, but for real, he didn't mean it."

"He isn't the only one with shit going on in his life. Me and you have it pretty bad at home too, but you don't see us going around attacking people for no reason." Luna nodded, knowing her friend wasn't wrong. It was hard playing the mediator between her two friends. Both of them are stubborn people who sometimes come off stronger than they actually are.

Fiddling with her fingers, she asked, "Not to say that Ricky was right in what he said, but why did you come with EJ?"

The girl frowned, crossing her arms. "I-I don't know. I was under the impression that Nini and Kourtney were going to be here. Then Nini would see me with EJ, become fed up with the drama and- I don't know- quit the show I guess," she rambled, throwing her arms down at her sides. "I know it was a stupid and cruel plan, but I just want to be the lead more than anything, Lu, you know?"

Luna nodded, placing her back against the wall. She let out a breath of air. Her friend's plan was mean, and she did not agree with it. The trouble is that she wasn't able to stop it before it started. It was clear that Gina had a plan, but Luna had no idea that it would entail using a boy to get what she wanted, EJ Caswell at that. She couldn't fault her friend for the plan, knowing that other people would have done far worse to get what they wanted. All she knew was that Gina was just passionate about theater and liked to get what she wanted, not stopping at anything until it was hers. Maybe Luna would be able to convince her to quit making plans, and support Nini who deserved the role just as much as Gina did.

"I can't say I liked your plan, but I get why you did it. But I really think you should quit making plans. The role of Gabriella was a tough choice, and both of you deserved it. It just wasn't in the cards this time though. You'll get the lead in a play here eventually. You're way too talented to not be chosen, G." This caused both girls to smile. The girls wrapped each other in another hug, thankful that they have one another.

As the girls finished up having their sweet moment, Ricky approached them from down the hall. After seeing and hearing the disappointment in him from Luna, he decided he wanted to make things right and apologize. He didn't want both girls to be mad at him, for he felt he had a connection with both of them. He couldn't lose that because he had a lapse in judgement and took things too far.

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