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MIDWAY THROUGH THE THIRD SCENE, Luna left Big Red and Mr. Mazzaro at the back of the gym to head to the bomb shelter. Miss Jenn had the girl doing all kinds of different things for the show, including helping to touch up make up, assisting with costumes, and alerting the cast when their scenes are approaching.

Currently, Luna was adding touches of make up to Seb's face as they were about to do the Stick to the Status Quo scene. "Hold still, Seb. I'm almost finished!" She scolded, applying pink to the wing nearing his eye.

The boy fidgeted in his seat, fearing he would be late to his scene. "Hurry up Luna, I go on in three minutes, and I can't be late!" Seb replied.

Everyone was currently debating on what to do for the Taylor trayography part of the scene as it was a bit complex for Kourtney to do. It wasn't until Kourtney spoke up loudly that Luna had actually focused into listening to the conversation.

"Or we could just have Gina do it?" Kourtney said incredulously, staring behind the group of people to look at the doorway. They all turned to see Gina standing at the door with cupcakes in her hand with a smile. Luna dropped her make up brush in shock.

The group rushed forward to greet the girl and hug her. Luna quickly pushed through the people and collapsed into her best friend's arms. "OMG, Gina!"

"Luna! Hi bestie," She hugged back. "I missed you!"

Luna could probably cry at the return of her best friend, but she wouldn't due to everyone around her. "I missed you too! How are you here?? You didn't tell me you were coming back!"

"I'll explain it later, I promise. Just know a friend bought a last minute ticket here for me," she smiled. Gina turned to Miss Jenn, shyly asking, "Is it okay if I go on?" The drama teacher said that of course she could go on, knowing how talented both of the girls were, but they each had their own strengths. Her and Kourtney could do the curtain call together.

Luna squealed, pulling Gina down into a chair to do her make up while someone pulled out her original outfit for the scene. They had a real quick chat while her make up was being done. "So Moonie, did you and Ricky make up? Did you tell him about, you know, your days?" Her voice going to a whisper with her last question.

The girl sighed, brushing some blush onto the other girl's cheek. "Yes, we made up. I went over his house after you left to hear him out. So me and him are all good now, great even," she explained with a smile. Luna then sighed as her smile faded, biting her lip. "I didn't tell him about the days. I couldn't. I had just gotten him back so I didn't want to add anything else into the mix. But I'm giving him a letter tonight which explains everything."

Gina nodded, sighing a little. She was a bit disappointed that her friend had yet to tell Ricky about her inevitable end, but it wasn't her life so she can't force Luna to do something she wasn't ready to do. "I understand that, but it might be better if it came directly from you instead of a letter. But who am I to say anything? I'm just glad you guys are back together, and that I got to see you again tonight." She grinned, poking her best friend's arm, who jerked at the sudden contact. Luna only yelled at her in response to stay still. "Plus I get to go on stage, which I wasn't even planning on doing, but now I'm just so happy that Miss Jenn is letting me go on," she said excitedly.

ONE LIFE, Ricky BowenWhere stories live. Discover now