Chapter 11 - Hungry

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"Are you hungry?" He asked

Amara blinks before gradually nodding her head.

As the two enter the house she was immediately engulfed in the warm atmosphere the house was emitting.

It was decorated with warm and simple furniture that gave off a very homey feeling. Despite the house not being extravagantly decorated it was clear to see that the quality of each furniture was definitely high.

Austin gently places Amara on a dining table seat and starts rummaging through his fridge to find some ingredients he can cook a quick meal with.

Surprisingly Austin was someone who did not like to be waited on and liked to do things himself, this included cooking his own meals.

Once he had found all of the ingredients he proceeded to wash them and when he was about to start cooking he suddenly felt an intense stare being directed at him.

He traced the direction of where it was coming from and his eyes were met with Amara's. Amara did not mind the fact that she was caught blatantly staring and continued to look at him.

Austin lowered his gaze and continued washing the vegetables trying to ignore the fact there was being intensely stared at. His face remained passive but if one were to look closely then they would have noticed that the tip of his ears were slightly red.

It didn't take long for Austin to finish cooking and so in about 30 minutes he was able to place two dishes on the table. One dish was a plate of sweet and sour pork with rice on the side, and the other was a plate full of sandwiches.

Amara stared the dishes that were placed in front of her for a short moment before taking a sandwich. In seconds the plate was cleared but she did not stop there.

After finishing the plate full of sandwiches she then moved on to the sweet and sour pork with rice, but even that was consumed in minutes, it had not taken long for her to have eaten all of the food.

Austin was slightly surprised at her big appetite but seeing that she enjoyed the food he cooked for her, he felt content just watching.

The phrase "Just watching someone you love eat was enough to make you full" proved to be quite true.

Once the hunger she was feeling was quenched she started to feel tired, she stifled a yawn before her eyelids started feeling heavy.

Austin noticed this and quickly reached out to her, he once again picked her up in bridal style and walked up the stairs to his room before gently placing her down on the bed.

Seeing was Amara was peacefully sleeping he left the room so as to not disturb her and headed towards his office to look over a few documents while waiting for her to wake up.



A couple hours later Amara woke up from her nap, she rubbed her eyes trying to wipe the sleepiness away.

She looked around and found that her surroundings were unfamiliar to her.

Unconsciously, she searched for the man that was with her but found that she was alone.

A sense of uneasiness crept at her heart.

She quickly got out of bed and left the room, she wandered the halls of this huge mansion in hopes to find a trace of that man.

It did not take long before she started feeling tired from all the walking, the aching feeling in her feet felt unpleasant. She didn't want to walk with these troublesome legs anymore and so stayed where she was.

At the same time, Austin had just finished looking over the documents on his desk and so decided to go back and check on Amara. When he entered the room he found that the bed was empty and that she was nowhere to be seen.

He instantly felt panicked, he was scared that he would find her how he did back then and so did not hesitate to start yelling out her name.


He ran all over the house desperately trying to find her when he sees someone crouching down in a desolate hallway. He immediately knew who it was.


Surprised that someone suddenly yelled her name she looked up to find Austin looking down at her heavily panting. His usual stoic face showed alarm and anxiety.

Before she could think she was suddenly pulled into a tight embrace, his thundering heartbeat filled her ears.

Realising that he was tightly holding onto her he loosened his grip and let go.

"I'm sorry... I thought you were-"

He found himself unable to finish his sentence, instead he took a deep breath to try and calm himself down.

Amara unconsciously touched his cheek, this sudden contact cause Austin to still. For some reason she did not like the face Austin was showing her.

Her hand then drifted towards his hardened chest, the strong beating of his heart was something she could distinctly feel.

Austins heart accelerated once again, his whole body felt hot. His face turned a light shade of pink making him look cute which was a huge contrast to his usual temperament.

Unable to take it anymore he grabbed her hand and starts walking back to the kitchen. Due to his long strides Mara found it difficult to keep up with.

It was only when Austin saw that she was struggling that he finally slowed his steps.

When they reached the kitchen he was surprised to find that Jessie Felix and Jackson were present but this quickly subsided.

Jessie, Felix, and Jackson, immediately noticed their hands were intertwined with each other.

Jackson couldn't help but tease them.

"Damn dude, you work fast"

Felix sighed at his childishness and gave him a nudge telling him to stop teasing their alpha.

Austin did not show a visible change in his expression but his heart was definitely not calm.

"What are you doing here?"

Unexpectedly his voice came out even, not indicating what he was truly feeling inside, and despite the teasing he did not let go of Amara's hand.

"We thought we'd come and celebrate" Jessie said with a big smile

Austin knitted his eyebrows in confusion "Celebrate what?"

They looked at Amara

"We brung the food already, your welcome" Jackson self-righteously said with his chest puffed out.

"You didn't even do anything Jackson" Jessie retorted.

"What do you mean not do anything? I made sure you didn't burn anything!"

Jessie rolled her eyes and mumbled a whatever.

"Mn, thank you" Austin said curtly.

He looked over at the table, it was filled with different kinds of dishes which were mostly eastern cuisine.

Jessie and the others knew how much Austin preferred eastern cuisine to western, he says that it had more flavour and was more filling.

Everyone took their seat at the table where of course, Austin sat beside Amara. They lifted their utensils and began digging in, by the time Amara finished eating large patches of sauce were on edges of her mouth.

Austin looked at her with amusement before taking a paper towel and gently wiping it off. Everyone else sat there silently as they watched the pairs cute interaction, they felt so happy that their friend had finally found his mate.


I feel SUPER tired, but I worked extra hard to edit this chapter. I hope it's good and as always, please tell me if you see an error cause I'll definitely fix it 🥺

Finding youOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara