Chapter 12 - Colourful world

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Dinner ended on a joyous note. Jessie, Felix and Jackson went home after dinner so as to not further disturb the couple. After they finished helping them clean up they headed out.

Seeing that it was already late Austin made preparations to head to bed, he led both of them back in to his room where he took out extra pillows and blankets from a cabinet

"You sleep on the bed. I'll take the couch"

He took his things and started walking towards the couch when he felt Amara holding the edge of his shirt.

Honestly, Austin felt a little troubled with her actions not because he found them annoying but because it made it extremely difficult for him to hold back.

He was already at his limit and if she continues pushing him like this then he feels that all his self control will just snap.

Amara on the other hand remained ignorant to his inner struggles, she just didn't want to be left in an unfamiliar place all alone where she could be attacked at anytime. But for some reason, with his presence she always felt a little safer in this foreign world.

Austin did not move, he felt conflicted on what he should do next, he was worried that when she had just opened up to him a little, his next actions would scare her off.

He sighed in resignation, he had never come across a problem he could not solve but I guess this was an exception. Although he wanted to slightly distance himself in case he impulsively does something, her actions made it extremely hard for him so he just gave up. He grabbed her arm and pulled her into his chest as he buried his face in her neck.

He had been wanting to do this ever since he first saw her and since she was constantly making bold moves (even when ignorant of this fact) then he would do the same.

Amara was caught off guard with his sudden actions but she did not hate the close proximity between them and settled in his arms.

She brought her hand to the back of his head and gently played with the tips of his hair. She could feel the heat emanating from his skin and felt as if she was melting in his warmth.

The idea that Austin had of sleeping separately flew out from his mind, he dropped the things in his hand and led Amara towards the bed laying her down beside him.

She wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him, they became so close they could feel each others warmth.

As they quietly dozed off Austin wondered if this was what finding your soul mate was like. He knew that the bond could only do so much and that the love and trust were something to be cultivated by them but he truly felt that he had fallen in love her the moment he laid eyes on her.

Her green iris's had captured his cold and unfeeling heart bringing light into grey world making it colourful.

Amara who was in his arms didn't know what she was feeling. Her EQ was too low to identify the feelings that were slowly growing inside of her.

She had never felt this way before.

She did not know the concept love, she's never even heard of the word. But even so, she let herself drown in her feelings and soon fell into a deep sleep with no nightmares haunting either of them.




Morning quickly came and Austin got out of bed at 7am sharp as usual. His movements led to Amara waking up as well, but unlike him she was obviously not used to waking up this early and was still half asleep.

Her eyes were still a little dazed and were only half open, she blinked slowly several times trying to keep her eyes open and not falling asleep again.

Ignorant of her own beauty, the sun spilled from the window behind her hitting her back making her look ethereal and not belonging in this world.

Even when waking up she could easily take anybody's breath away.

Amara stifled a yawn and rubbed her eyes.

Austin did not move from his position and only watched her from a distance. His eyes were filled with tenderness and amusement.

"Do you want to go back to sleep?" He says tenderly. His voice hoarse due to the fact that he just woke up but it didn't sound unpleasant.

She shook her head

"Food" she says in an unfamiliar language

Confusion was clearly shown in his eyes 'ah the language barrier's going to be a problem' he thought

Amara rubs her stomach


She nodded.

They both made their way down to the kitchen, there was no conversation between them but it was not awkward at all. Instead, there was a comfortable silence between them.

Austin was originally a man who did not talk much anyway and so he did not feel any awkwardness at all.

As they walked, in his head he was already planning to find a teacher for her so she could learn English. What he didn't know was that Amara's head was like a sponge, constantly absorbing new information.



When they reached the kitchen Austin told her to wait in the living room and that he'd call her when he was done. He turned the t'v on so she wouldn't get bored and walked back to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the both of them.

Amara squinted her eyes and curiously stared at the screen. In front of her was a coffee table where Austin placed the remote he had used to turn the t.v on.

Curious, she picked it up and pressed a random button which caused the channel to suddenly changed. She looked at the t.v with deep fascination.

It wasn't long until she found the volume button and did not hesitate to press it making the t.v louder and louder. Not liking the noise she tried her best to turn it off but failed.

Frustrated, she threw the remote at the screen, the loud crash got Austin instantly running towards the living room.

"What happened?" He scanned the room and his eyes immediately noticed the 60 inch t.v with multiple cracks on the screen.

His eyes darted between the broken t.v and Amara and let out a helpless sigh. He took out his phone and dialled a familiar string of numbers.

"Hey Felix, send over a new t.v for the living room"

"What happened to your current one?"

"it... broke" he answered sheepishly

Although confused Felix didn't ask anymore and just agreed, they talked a little more before hanging up.

Soon Austin received a text "The new t.v will be there by lunch, the guys'll hook it up, don't worry"

Now that, that problem was taken care of he turned to Amara who still looked a little annoyed and instinctively patted her head.

Her eyebrows that were originally knitted with frustration started to ease up.

"Come on, breakfast is ready"

Excited, Amara jumped up and they both walked towards the table to eat breakfast, she found that the food was awfully delicious and couldn't get enough of it.

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