Chapter 6 part 1: Poor Emma

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Emma POV 1 year later

"Ryan! Stop!" I giggle as I'm attacked in a tickle war. He always wins and I end up with a sore stomach.

"Only if you say Ryan is the most handsome mate in the world!" He taunts.

"Ryan is the most handsome mate in the world" I breath out. He stops the tickles only for me to continue talking.

"Not!" I yell as I hop up from the bed and dash to the kitchen to find Audrey their making cookies.

"Help! He's attacking me!" I screech hiding behind her back. In runs Ryan who looks at his mother who's staring daggers at him.

"What did you do to poor Emma" she states. Ryan sees me peek out from behind his mom and gives me a look that screams I'm gonna get it.

" Nothing mom why would I ever be mean to my mate." He says innocently even though Ryan is thirteen he has the deepest voice in his grade.

Audrey continues to give him a look as I grab a cookie from of the plate behind her and look up at them while eating it knowing that Ryan won't get one till dessert is served.

"Oh look the timer just went off! Both of you go play somewhere else. Ryan don't you dare be mean to Emma!" She states. After the timer dings. I grab another cookie and skip past Ryan giving him a smirk. Right as I'm about to take a bite out of the delicious chocolate cookie he snatches it from my hand and eats it all in one bite. I can't help but gasp at his action.

"Y-you just ate my cookie!" I was in complete shock.

Here's a fact everyone knows about me don't ever take my food. I'm okay with sharing food but if you think it's okay to take food off of someone's plate without asking you're going to get it in some way. Ryan knows this rule.

Looking at him I give him a cruel smirk and walk away without a word. That's right silent treatment. Ryan hates it when I ignore him and talk to other people.

I can sense Ryan following behind me. I walk upstairs ignoring all his questions grab a bag and my wallet with my phone. Walk downstairs and out the door still ignoring him. Theirs an ice cream shop about a twenty minute walk from the pack house and that's my destination. The ice cream shop is part of a little town center filled with shops and a movie theater along with an old white church.

Ryan's right behind me the entire time asking me to talk. He eventually gives up and just follows me until we reach the store.

I walk in knowing immediately what to order.

" I'll get two scoops of chocolate chip mint on a cone and two scoops of rocky road on another one" I say smiling up at the man. He gets the order ready handing me my cone first I lick the mint loving the coolness melt on my tongue. He then hands me the rocky road cone. I act as if I'm going to lick it before I shove it into Ryan's hand. Before he can pay I pay the five dollars and walk out.

"Thanks my love" Ryan says as he kisses my cheek.

"Don't ever steal my food again. My love." I say smiling back at him. He nods his head and we sit outside the shop at one of the tables talking and eating our cones.

" Hey Emma!" I hear a voice call I look up to see Artie standing next to me smiling. Artie and I have gotten closer as friends since we first met.

"Hi Artie here to get ice cream?" I question.

"Yeah it's pretty hot out today." He states. I nod in agreement. Artie goes and gets his ice cream only to come back outside and sit with us at the round table. Ryan doesn't like Artie for reasons I don't understand.

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