Chapter 7: Short

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Ryan POV 2 years later
(Emma's 13 and Ryan's 15)

It's our first day of sophomore year. Emma's excited I'm not so much. I always worry at school about Emma. She's only four and a half feet tall the shortest in our class mainly because she's twelve. I worry about myself being around her because of how y'all I am. I'm around six foot which is normal for werewolves. In fact I'm still growing as future alpha.

I had spoken to Emma's father on how small she was which he said is normal. Apparently her mother was the same and Emma will be small for the rest of her life.

I wake up to find that Emma is asleep next to me. It's four in the morning. I have to go to training every morning untangling myself from Emma. I then walk into my closet and grab my work out clothes. I jog outside to see my father in front of some of the students everyone's still arriving. I start stretching out my muscles.

"Emma's going to have to start training soon." My father says.

It's true when you become thirteen you must start your training. I don't want Emma to start training I fear she's going to get injured. My father knows this and he sees how I struggle with the idea of her getting hurt in anyway.

I nod my head solemnly in reply. We do our training none of my class mates have shifted yet due to our age. I'm the only one who has found their mate besides my father. The entire pack knows that Emma's their future Luna. They treat her like a princess and worry over her almost as much as I do. I'm glad that my pack accepts her fully as their Luna and embrace her.

Trainings easy for me so I'm always shocked to find out it's ended. I'm always feel like running after training so I go on a run until it's time to get ready for school.

"How was training?" Emma asks as I walk into her room.

"It was okay just a bit boring." I say. I like running with Emma we go on jogs every Sunday but I wish she ran with me this morning. For being short Emma's a really fast runner. I can see how much she loves to do it by the permanent smile that always appears after she runs or sees me.

"You're birthdays next week Ryan. Do you want a party or just a family get together?" Emma asks.

"Let's just spend it together. After  my shift that is." I say. I couldn't help but smile at the idea of spending more time alone with Emma.

"Sounds perfect." She says hugging me as she says it.

Emma POV

I hate Monday's but Ryan always makes them bearable. I walk into my closet leaving Ryan in the main part of my room. I decide to choose a yellow floral dress. It's short even on me but in a cute way. I lace on my white high top converse. Looking in the mirror I like how I look. It's weird to say but I'm now developed.

I exit my closet and walk to my restroom Ryan's on my bed playing on his phone. My hair hasn't darkened. Most blonde children's hair darkens as they grow but mines stayed the same really light blonde. I decide to put my hair up in a high ponytail. I slick it back so it's smooth. My hair still falls all the way down my back. I put on my lip gloss, coat my lashes with mascara, and put on some gold eyeshadow.

"I'm done. Let's eat." I say walking out of the room before my mate drags me back in because of my dress.

"Your dress is short." He grumbles behind me.

"Yes it is." I remark. It's short but not too short it's a little above mid thigh. Besides no one should notice because of how short I am.

I hear Ryan let out a low growl obviously not pleased with my response to his statement. I smell the pancakes before I enter the kitchen. Ryan goes to get our plates and I sit down to see our fathers reading the newspaper.

"Good morning." I say smiling and nodding to both of them. The both look up from their papers and grumble a morning with a small smile. Our parents aren't morning people. Even after training Alpha isn't the happiest person.

I hear a smack of the plate hitting the table in front of me. Their on the plate lays three fluffy large pancakes along with bacon, sausages, and eggs. Theirs too much food for me to eat. I look at Ryan to see he's already half way through his meal. I take a bite of the fluffy goodness only to shove my face with more food. I'm going to need to reapply my lipgloss. I eat about one fourth of everything Ryan plated me. I groan in fullness. I feel like a balloon about to pop. I can't believe Ryan ate all his food and then my left overs. I question how he still has a six pack. He eats so much. Like every five seconds. When we finish I brush teeth again and reapply my lip gloss and run out of the restroom to find my love holding my backpack waiting for me. We jump into the car Ryan's driving today. He has his permit and next week his license. He's excited talking about how we're going to go on dates all the time. When we arrive at school the parking lots filled with other kids. I grab my drink from the cup holder and wait for Ryan to open my door. Helping me out we walk hand in hand to the school and to our friend group. All the guys have gotten so tall. Andy and Arthur are almost as tall as Ryan. According to Ryan Andy is to be our future beta and Arthur his delta.

"Hey little Luna. What's up Ryan?" Andy says doing a little handshake with Ryan. And giving me a side hug. All the guys greet me as I greet them. Besides Ryan, Andy is my favorite guy in the group he always includes me and respects me. All the guys make sure I'm okay and comfortable in my surroundings. I intertwine my fingers with Ryan's as he wraps his arms around my waist.

We stay like that in bliss just talking to the boys until the bell ring. Ryan and I are lucky to have one of the school counselors as a member of the pack which means that Ryan and I have all the same classes. We walk into our first period English to sit in our seats next to one another.

We wait as the class fills up with everyone else. Ryan's playing with a curl in my ponytail when Elise enters. It's been three years since I've met her and yet she still is trying to get my mate to notice her. It's funny how when ever she try's to get closer to him he just comes to me. He hates her almost as much as I do.

"Oh hello. How was your weekend Ryan? You know I'm having a party this weekend and was wondering if you'd like to come?" She says giving me her evil eyes.

"Sorry I can't I'm spending my weekend with my queen." He says smiling at me not even looking at Elise who looks like she's going to explode.

"That's alright we should go out some time. I just got a new car daddy bought me and I can drive us any where you'd like." She says pulling down her top trying to look attractive.

"Ryan's getting his car this weekend so no need. Hey babe you want to get ice cream after school?" I ask now ignoring the bimbo blocking my view of the board. Ryan smiles at me and nods his head in response to my question. Elise takes that as her queue to leave us alone and sit at her desk.

More of a fuller chapter but please enjoy.



XOXO- Lillian Dero

Young MatesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora