Not A New Chapter But Please Read Anyway

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Hello Readers, Fans, Friends Alike,

So I told ya'll I would post this section last week but life got a tad bit crazy  but I'm here now.  So listen up and listen well. I got a few announcements,just some riffraff  a little chit chat if you will.

So first off I am ELATED at how many of you all are really enjoying this story! Yes this is the first story I ever wrote, and got over two thousand votes for, before completing it.  I was so shocked when I looked at my vote count for this story and saw 2.1K next to it. I was like oh my gosh! I was a bit hesistant about this story at first but I'm so glad it worked out. Obviously you guys are loving you some Chris and Kay.  And I appreciate you guys so much for this. Thank you for all your votes, comments, and even the reads. Thank you, you all are amazing to me. I hope you guys continue to enjoy my works. I really do.  I got so much more in store

Moving right alone. Look I got some ideas I wanna run pass you all. So as you all may or may not know Learning to Love is just about finished. I think I have and estimate of oh I'll say 5-10 more chapters for Learning to Love and it'll pretty much be a wrap.  I know I so enjoyed writing this book. Like I'm having so much fun, it was a whilrwind of emotions. It was a lot going on, and I just love it. And from the looks of things you all are too.  But as we all know all good things must come to an end eventually.  But don't stress just yet, we still have some chapters to go before we say bye-bye.

Anyway the other day I was just browsing through my stories, and I realized oh my gosh like all my stories have been SO SO SO  emotional, so serious, so real.  And to be honest guys they really have been kind of emotionally draining  me. Like from "A Portrait of Love" all the way to "Learning to Love" they have been so intense. I have discussed just about everything bad in the world in my books. I have had abuse, rape, discrimination, racism, suicide, cancer, bullying, self harm, drugs, death,human trafficking, mental illnesses,  and the list goes on. All of these can be found in my books. 

To be absolutely honest with you all it's heavy. But I put them in the books as a way to raise awareness about subjects that are often swept under the rug, and looked over by society.  So I did it with purpose. But in writing books with such intense volatile subjects it becomes quite draining.  I love to write, I can do it all day. But I think I wanna have more fun with my writings.  I like to be intense, and portray deep emotions. But I also like to write stuff that's fun to read, and just something not so touchy. My books are enjoyable sure, but they be extremely intesne sometime.

Long story short, I wanna write something fun. I wanna take a break and just like do something different. So I been thinking  I have a story or two in mind that I wanna try out.  They won't be as intense, they'll be good just more fun.  I may post a snippet or two a little later, once we get closer to the end of Learning to Love. 

But right now I wanna hear from you all. Would you all like to read something a bit less intense? Cause nobody can lie, Learning to Love is something serious, and it's not even over yet.  It's been a real emotional, thought provoking book. So will you all read something more fun? Less  intense.

Are you interested at all? Please please let me know in the comments below!  Talk to me, and I'll talk back if you want me to. Just be sure to comment, and let me know what you think. I live for you all's feedback almost  seriously. So please do  COMMENT BELOW  or you can post on my board or you can inbox me. Whatever you feel comfortable with.

Thank you guys so much for reading! I appreciate all feedback, and please please comment below! Thank and good night!

Learning to Love (Lesbian Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin