Chapter 28

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 Christina called, told me she'd be here in just a few minutes. I was contemplating rather I should grab my keys and drive far far away. I suddenly felt like I didn't wanna go anymore. Maybe I could fake some type of illness, and not have to go. Yeah right, and while I'm at it, I'll find the end of the earth, and fall off of it. Fat chance. I sighed heavily. I checked myself out in the mirror.

My hair was down, in its naturally wavy state. I was wearing a dark purple V-neck shirt, and dark gray jeans. Regular gray Converse on. I wore very little make-up, and my look was very casual. Of course I wasn't gonna dress up, I'm going to a jailhouse

I looked at myself and sighed.

“Kay what are you doing?” I said to myself.

Rocky started going off in the backyard. He started barking so loud, he was growling and shit.

“The hell?” I said. He never barked like that. I mean he'd howl, and bark sometime. But it almost sounded like he was attacking something or somebody.

I went to the backyard, I had to check this out. I went to the back of the house to the backdoor. I stepped outside and saw Rocky still barking ferociously at the fence. He had jumped up on the fence, standing on his hind legs, and was barking like mad.

“What the hell?” I said to myself.

“Rocky down boy.” I said calling him off. He instantly dropped back on all four. He growled though.

“What are you barking at?” I said walking over to the fence. Maybe something was on the other side. I put a patio chair to the fence, and stood up in it.

I looked over in Christina's yard. There was nothing. I looked around. Maybe he saw a shadow or something. But then I looked down at the ground, and I saw footprints in the red dirt patch of Christina's backyard.

Looked like a boot print, whoever it was had a huge foot. Somebody was trying to get in my yard. Christina's backyard is gated but her gate is always open well because she never had a reason to lock it. Maybe it was just some kid trying to take a short cut? Then again it could be something way more sinister.

Things were starting to not feel right. I was getting nervous. I felt like something was wrong, I just didn't know what. I just hoped God would protect me and everyone I love from whatever storm was about to hit. I still didn't feel good about anything.

“Hey babe, are you ok?” Christina said walking up. She scared me, I almost jumped out the patio chair.

“Yeah I'm good.” I said.

“I heard Rocky barking, is he ok?” Christina said.

“Yeah I don't know. I think somebody was trying to hop the fence.” I said staring at the boot print in the red dirt.

Christina looked at it.

“That's odd.” Christina said looking at it.

“I don't know. It could just be some kid trying to find a short cut.” I said.

“Yeah it's happened before. I got started locking my gate. Are you ok Kaliya?” Christina asked looking up at me.

“Umm I think I am. Yeah.” I said.

“You're nervous about seeing Nikki?” Christina asked.

“Yeah kind of.” I said.

“That's ok, I am too. Are you ready?” Christina asked.

“Yeah I guess. I'll meet you up front.” I said.

“Ok. Be careful getting down from there.” Christina said.

Learning to Love (Lesbian Story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu