Get to know Micah Good

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We interviewed Micah Good, author of The Opposite of Falling Apart (originally called 3 and 1/2 Legs) to learn more about her, and what she's working on next. Micah's book published today from Wattpad Books! You can buy your copy wherever books are sold.

Wattpad HQ: Who is your OTP?

Micah Good: I don't really have a single OTP right now, to be honest. I will say that most of the ships I have felt most strongly about in the past are of the enemies to lovers variety. I'm a sucker for a good enemies to lovers story.

Wattpad HQ: What is your favourite book?

Micah Good: Here's a fact if you want to get to know me: I have a hard time choosing one favorite in any category. I have two current favorite series: the Six of Crows duology and the Caraval trilogy.

Wattpad HQ: What TV show are you currently obsessed with right now?

Micah Good: I'm getting back into The Office (US).

Wattpad HQ: What is one app you would not be able to go without using even for just one day?

Micah Good: Probably Spotify. I listen with Bluetooth in the car on pretty much every trip, and it's always playing while I'm writing, cleaning, or going on a walk.

Wattpad HQ: Who is your biggest hero?

Micah Good: My mom. She's my example of overcoming and getting out there and working hard, despite having things that scare you.

Wattpad HQ: Where is your happy place?

Micah Good: Cuddling up with my dog on the couch, reading a good book.

Wattpad HQ: Can you describe your perfect writing area?

Micah Good: When I want to get some serious writing done, I go to a library. I can plot my writing journey in libraries, from my high school library to Southern Illinois University Edwardsville's Lovejoy Library, to several libraries in my hometown, to the library at the college I went to for nursing school, where I wrote the second draft of 'The Opposite of Falling Apart'. I like them because they're quiet. Aesthetically, I love coffee shops, but the noise is just too much for me.

Wattpad HQ: What motivates you to work hard?

Micah Good: Knowing that by working hard, I'm overcoming the things that scared me.

Wattpad HQ: What makes you laugh the most?

Micah Good: Right now, I love looking through funny Tumblr text posts on Pinterest. But it isn't too hard to make me laugh.

Wattpad HQ: What is your favourite animal?

Micah Good: DOG. (Wow, look at that: I actually chose a favorite!)

Wattpad HQ: What are your hobbies?

Micah Good: Besides writing, reading, drawing, hand lettering, and cooking.

Wattpad HQ: How would your friends describe you?

Micah Good: Creative. I had a friend describe me as 'aesthetic', and it was honestly my favorite thing I've ever been described as.

Wattpad HQ: What is the tallest building you've been to the top in?

Micah Good: The Willis (formerly Sears) Tower in Chicago, though I only remember it vaguely. I don't remember the process of getting to the top, but I remember the feeling of looking down at the tiny tiny people and cars. I would like to go back again sometime.

Wattpad HQ: Who would you want to attend your dream dinner party? (dead or alive)

Micah Good: Oddly, I remember being asked this question in a college scholarship interview. The rest of the interview was a bit of a blur though, so I don't actually remember what I said! The real answer is that I'm an introvert, and probably wouldn't be having a dinner party, haha. But if I could magic away my anxiety for a true dream dinner party, I think I'd love to talk writing with some of my favorite authors.

Wattpad HQ: Is your glass half full or half empty?

Micah Good: I wish I could say half-full, but in reality, I'm more of a glass-half-empty type.

Wattpad HQ: Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Micah Good: An introvert, definitely, although my anxiety leads me to 'perform' when in public, so I can come across as more extroverted, even though I'm depleting my energy in the process.

Wattpad HQ: If you had to describe yourself as an animal which one would you be?

Micah Good: I'd want to be a dog, but I'm probably more like a goat, because I'm terribly stubborn.

Wattpad HQ: What is your favorite family holiday tradition?

Micah Good: I love to visit my grandparents' house for Christmas. Something about sitting in the living room with my relatives makes me feel warm and happy. My grandma always makes homemade caramel, we play games, and we catch up on what's been happening in each others' lives.

Wattpad HQ: What are your pet peeves?

Micah Good: People chewing loudly, people talking during movies, people tailgating while driving, when people cough without covering their mouth.

Wattpad HQ: What is your ideal way to spend a weekend?

Micah Good: Relaxing. Reading and getting some writing done.

Wattpad HQ: Can you tell us what you're currently writing?

Micah Good: I don't want to give too much away, but I'm returning to my fantasy roots. The first story I ever wrote was a fantasy story, about a princess in hiding and a king who didn't want to be king. I'm revisiting that idea, but combining it with some other ideas I've been toying with, to end up with something totally new to me. 

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