Get to know Tay Marley

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In celebration of Wattpad Books publishing The Summer of '98 we interviewed the author Tay Marley! You can buy your copy today wherever books are sold.  

Wattpad HQ: Who is your OTP?

Tay Marley: If we're talking books, Drayton and Dallas of course. In real life? Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell !

Wattpad HQ: What is your favourite book?

Tay Marley: Impossible to answer, I'm afraid

Wattpad HQ: What TV show are you currently obsessed with right now?

Tay Marley: OUTER BANKS!

Wattpad HQ: What is one app you would not be able to go without using even for just one day?

Tay Marley: Instagram!

Wattpad HQ: Where is your happy place?

Tay Marley: With my children.

Wattpad HQ: Can you describe your perfect writing area?

Tay Marley: Somewhere quiet, with a view outside, if it's raining, PERFECT. The rain gives me a whole other level of motivation. I need something serene.

Wattpad HQ: What motivates you to work hard?

Tay Marley: Being able to provide for my children.

Wattpad HQ: What makes you laugh the most?

Tay Marley: That's a tough one. Probably my nine year old. He has the wit and comebacks of a grown man. He's quick and hilarious. Love his humour.

Wattpad HQ: What is your favourite animal?

Tay Marley: Wild, a meerkat. Domestic, cats !

Wattpad HQ: What are your hobbies?

Tay Marley: Reading of course. I also like to make little fan edits of favourite movies and shows.

Wattpad HQ: What is the tallest building you've been to the top in?

Tay Marley: The Sky Tower in Auckland New Zealand. Went right to the top and the floor has glass panels that you can stand on. Such a cool experience.

Wattpad HQ: Is your glass half full or half empty?

Tay Marley: Full !

Wattpad HQ: Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Tay Marley: Introvert for sure.

Wattpad HQ: What is your favorite family holiday tradition?

Tay Marley: Since I was a child, I've been going to a lake house in Taupo for summer vacation. It's my favourite memories as a kid and now I get to take my own kids there. It's one of my favourite places in the world.

Wattpad HQ: What is your ideal way to spend a weekend?

Tay Marley: In the winter I love to hang at home with family, fire going, movies on, church on Sunday, hot lunches ! In the summer I love to have the kids outside, beach trips, barbecues. Making memories.

Wattpad HQ: Can you tell us what you're currently writing?

Tay Marley: Currently I am working on a potential third instalment to the QB series. But I won't say more for now :)

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