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It is the first time that Emerald was treated like a Princess.

She is sitting in a classy seat while she drinks tea. There's an imported cookie on the table that is made out of some sort of marble and glass.
There is a huge umbrella that covers her from the heat. The Military Commander is drinking his tea beside her.

Emerald doesn't hate the feeling but she doesn't feel much gratitude too.

"I will be off now." She said politely.

"Princess, let me escor--"

Princess Emerald looks at Froilan.

"You mean well but I do not need pity."

Princess Emerald is an abandoned princess like any others but she doesn't succumb to pain and self-pity, instead she works hard to do what she wants to do.
This is her way of life. She doesn't like others questioning her reasons.
Money is important. Somehow, she wants to earn a lot of money and ask for her freedom.
Not to become a tool for politics or a peace-treaty tool.

"I am sorry if I offended you, Princess Emerald." He bows.

"Eat the club house. I double your order because you paid a lot. I like customers like you the most."
Emerald grins.

Commander Froilan finally smiles.
"Thank you. I will enjoy the meal then."

"Michael is my business partner. If you want to order again just inform him."

"Hmmm.. Isn't it better to directly tell you?"

"Hmm.. It is fine but Michael still has to calculate his share so isn't it better to just directly give him? And in that way all I have to worry is how many I will be making. It helps me focus on the cooking."

"This is! How dare him ask the princess for compensation!"


"That soldier…." Froilan is gripping his fist, trembling in anger.

Princess Emerald felt a headache.
It is true.
The rumor about the loyal Military Commander who loves the royal family and the whole Kingdom as if they are his family.
A man of his own sense of justice.

"I ask him to do that. It is my payment for his job."

"Princess, soldier's are being paid by the kingdom! Just order them anything.  They should even lay their life for you."

Princess Emerald frowns.
"Are you saying I can order him to die for me because I am a princess?"

"Yes!" The military man answered immediately.

Emerald shakes her head and face palm.
She slowly looks at the scary tall man with a pitiful look.

"Look now. They are citizens of our kingdom. You dare say that a foot soldier is not important just because someone else is more important? Then this military is just a joke to you?" Emerald raises her voice so everyone who has the same mentality can hear her.
It is effective because they stop and look at them.
One tiny girl is glaring a tall man 6 times her height.


"Is the military only made for the royal family? Is that the extent of your duty? Is that the only reason you are wearing the kingdoms crest? Answer me!"

"We are the soldiers of the kingdom, your highness. We protect the kingdom."

"See? Your duty….When you talk to people and ask you. What is your job? You don't answer them : I am a soldier who protects the Royal family. You answer them : I am a soldier who protects the kingdom! That is your pride."

"This has nothing to do to what I am saying…"

"Nothing to do? Commander…..You have seen so many wars. You've won them alone?"

The commander stands tall.
"I won with my comrades ,your highness."

"The same comrades you said should lay their life if I wish to?"


"Are you talking about the soldiers that are just hired so their lives can be used as a meat shield in war? Did you throw weak soldiers so you can strategically run in war? Answer!"

"Of course not…..your highness."

"They are all soldiers of this country! This kingdom! They are the same people you swore to protect! Do not ever say that their life means nothing. I respect the soldiers more the same way I respect the King."


Tears are dripping his eyes to his cheeks to his chin.
The soldiers are heroes.
These words doesn't only made the commander stunned but everyone else in that area.
The grumbling princess has no idea.
But she just moved the heart of the strongest squadron in the Empire.

Who else can say something like that?
That she respects the soldiers--not the higher ranking soldiers--but all the soldiers, the same respect as the King.
It was heart wrenching.
Froilan thought it is natural to put the lives of the royalty on top rather than a mere foot soldier.

'Have I forgotten? The comrades I fought with as a foot soldier? Are they less of a man than the higher ranking officials? We are the first to run on to war. We are the first to die. How did I forget?'

"Soldiers need the same respect! I am hiring Michael cause it is not part of his job to collect money for me. And sides instead of resting. He is working his ass for me. I will not allow you to belittle him!"

'A girl. So small that I can stomp all over her. Made me reminded of my past. My men. Everyone I had forgotten as I became a man called commander. A little girl who doesn't even see war has more heart than myself."


"Hm? Eh? What are you---"

Commander Froilan Fausto kneels down as a knight to his Lord.

"Si-Sir? Commander? Did I say too much? What?" Emerald is panicking.

Froilan has his eyes closed.
The feeling of the breeze.
The earth, the rustling of the trees.
When did it all become something he neglected?
Why did he lose them?


"Eh? Why are you all?"
Emerald is trembling as all the soldiers in the practice grounds are kneeling to the small girl.

They have their head bowed too.
Because they are crying.

They heard the King give a speech before. It is inspiring. They have heard the Princes give speech too and they are awed and become determined to lay their life for war.
But they have never heard a royalty give them the speech so deep penetrating that they can't help but cry their eyes. The King and Princes ask them to give their life for the Kingdom and they will happily agree. But this small girl has asked a high ranking official to give them respect and tell him that their life is as precious as everyone else.
That they deserve respect.
That they are being appreciated.

Princess Emerald doesn't know this but the soldier doesn't easily kneel down.
Even though they kneel to the King. They never have to kneel to anyone else.
This is their respect.
Their loyalty.



A Princess Pride is her Title : The Most Beloved PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now