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"Princess?" Jane walks to Princess Emerald that is sitting in a chair while tapping her finger on the table, playing pencil in tge middle of her lip and nose while intently looking at the clean white paper in front.

Jane got promoted as the head maid since Yolly resigned and went home. She is preparing to get married and can't come with Emerald in the Chorus City.

Emerald looks up and tilt her head staring at Jane.
"How much money can I get from the pirate?"

Jane sighs.
"Do not be greedy."

Emerald smiles and pit the pencil down.
"I am not. I never think of taking it...all."
She sighs.
"There are a lot of things to do aftee taking them down. People need to fix their lives,rehab them, to fix the town and the livelihood. To build more man power, to increase defence."

Jane grips her own hand and look down.
"I...I am sorry for thinking you want to get money, princess. I...I don't mean it in a bad way."

Emerald chuckles.
"I don't mind. And I will get money anyways, My men will solve the problem so I need to get compensated so I can make my knights life comfortable for them too. Being a hero to save lives sounds like a lot of worshipping but a hero who doesn't get compensated will eventually crumble. If people raise a brow when a hero ask for money in return then I rather not save them again so they can keep their money to save their own ass."
Emerald pouts.

Jane chuckles.
"Princess always knows how to get her compensation but not for herself."


Jane shakes her head.
"Nothing. How about you ho talk to Sir Froilan and Sir Randy?"

"They are busy making plans how to attack the pirates. That is their fight, this is mine. Ot sounds easy and cool but fighting skilled thousand murderers is not easy. I should be the cushion that will support them at their back so they won't overwork."
Emerald stands up and sighs.
"I am a Princess, this is part of my job."

Jane nods.
"But you are also 9 years old. So you should not let the cushion break first. Sleep for an hour. I promise I will wake you up."

Emerald looks at Jane and the bed.
She smiles and nod.
"Thank you Sister Jane."

"Hmm.. We are here for you princess. I know you think you are not doing a lot but you are actually overworking yourself. So relax from time to time."

Emerald nods.
"Yes. Wealth is health afterall. I can't let my body to break down and got sick. Tell everyone to sleep for an hour too."

"Yes. Yes. Just sleep and worry later."


Emerald doesn't need a lullaby. Shw easy fell asleep because she is really tired.


After an hour, Emerald doesn't need Jane to wake her up. Since she knows something has to be done she is unconsciously given hee body a self alarm clock.

She went to her working desk and write an emergency plan.
It is not set on stone but only the things that need to be addressed immediately. She will learn what more to do after seeing the place with her own eyes.


"Come in,"

"Princess Emerald,"

Emerald looks up and see Randy and Froilan.
The two are the core of their attack force.

Standing each side of her, the two starts telling their plan.

A Princess Pride is her Title : The Most Beloved PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now