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Guys I....need to rant if you want to skip this you can and if its not important to you I understand.....

So.... someone that is currently bullying me in my school decided to start bullying me online and he made a whole chat about it with his friends I don't know if they knew I could see it but I had about 30 notifications that were all calling me rude things.... and he's pretending I'm rude to to his cousin which happens to be my "Best Friend" but now ? ....I don't know anymore we've been reallly good friends for 4 years ......

And I'm struggling with friends other then her I only have somebody called Gaia but she has no form of contact with me...so at the moment I'm stuck I don't know what to do I need to distract myself but the moment that distraction leaves its back on my mind.....

I need help but I can't get it plus the fact about my nother leaving and my Dad needing to get a divorce and then Covid which I'm 2x likely to get because of my nefrotic syndrome (Kidney disease) that killed both of my Kidneys when I was Two years old... I got a new adult Kidney at Seven Years old... But before that I saw something that always stuck in my mind My 'Mother" Had an Asthma attack in front of me but she started turning purple in front of me and it was terrifying....

And Even after getting my kidney the moment I did she walked out on us (yes she did survive the attack thanks to my Dad) and more recently she told my doctors I didn't need my DLA which right now we really do they won't restart it for some reason so my Dad has to get a job and that may sound normal but he's the only guardian other then my Nanna I have.......

My only relief that I get from my pain is when I go over to my Nana's house I get different food that I like and Iwould always go there on the weekends before school but now because of quarantine the very few things I like doing aren't options ....

In short in stuck in pain I just one soneone to talk to and distract myself from all of this pain...these three songs is me right now..........sorry if I wasted your time.....

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